Part 18

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Anjali wanted to talk to Lavanya, so she went to her room, only to see it messed up. An angry Lavanya was still throwing things here and there.
La: "how dare she? I just hate that face... First that Khushi... I had to leave ASR because of her... And now this Akitha... I won't let her win... ASR is mine... MINE!!!"
Anjali stood at the door shocked. But then a plan formed in her mind. She wanted Arnav to marry Sheethal, because she knew that one day or the other he would marry someone due to Nani. But she didn't want anyone else to come to Shantivan and rule over her. Sheethal was her SIL and always treated her with respect, fulfilling all her wishes just like her husband. But Arnav was not even paying attention to Sheethal and on top of that, that Akitha was an exact look alike of Khushi. Arnav was giving way too much attention to her. Sheethal may not be able to keep Arnav away from Akitha but Lavanya surely can.
Anjali: "Lavanyaji..." Lavanya gasped hearing the voice.
La: "er... Di... When did you..."
Anjali: "I heard you Lavanyaji. Even I don't like that Akitha and not even Khushi. I always felt that you are a better match for Chotte."
La: "Di..."
Anjali: "I will help you to get my Chote..."
La: "you will do that Di? Oh.. Di!!! I love you... I love you so much!!"
And she hugged her tight only for Anjali to smirk.

Sheethal: "what do you mean... But you promised me..."
Anjali: "I know... And I'm going to keep that promise... We r just going to use Lavanya to remove that girl from our lives... Just stay away from Arnav for the time being... I don't want Lavanya to doubt us..."
She nodded reluctantly.

She was getting angry at Sajana each minute, seeing her face. She was someone who always felt that a person should be appreciated for their works and here this woman was taking credit for others hard work. Many of the employees were disappointed because they were not getting the required recognition from the head office. A few even doubted Sajana as she had asked them not to put watermark on their works. But they were afraid to question her. All of them knew about her being Neetha ma'am's friend. Akki decided to do something immediately. She was talking to her friend earlier and she promised to join the office as soon as she can. Akki didn't want to reveal her identity yet.

Akki walked into the kitchen feeling thirsty. She got surprised seeing Anjali there, but ignored her. She saw the fruits kept there.
Akki: "er.. do you mind if I take this fruits to make myself a juice?"
That is when she saw the papaya there. "Papaya? Who brought papaya into the house?" She clearly remembered Arnav telling her that he asked the family not to bring anything into the house that can harm Payal.
Anjali: "I... I don't know...."
Akki: "oh! Do you mind if I take it for my juice. I just love papaya...." She didn't really have any particular liking for the fruit. But she couldn't afford to keep it there in Anjali's easy access.
Anjali: "i.. I don't mind... Why would I mind?"
She was cursing Akitha in her mind for spoiling her plan. She was planning to mix the papaya in Payal's food.

Payal was sitting in the living room reading a book. Anjali went near her and started chatting. Akki too went to the living room drinking her juice and looking at her phone. Suddenly her phone started ringing. She kept her juice on the table and went to attend the call.
Payal started coughing after sometime and for Anjali it was as if she won a jackpot. She immediately took the glass and brought it near Payal's mouth but Akki snatched it from her before Payal could take a sip.
Akki: "How dare you?"
She was seething in anger. Arnav and Akash were coming down the stairs. They had seen Payal coughing and both Anjali and Akki's reaction.
Akki: "How dare you tried to give her this juice?"
Akash got angry seeing her misbehaving with his sister and Arnav was wondering what made her react like that.
Akash: "what the hell, Ms.Raichand? How dare you talk to Di like that. Payal was coughing and it's just a juice..."
Akki (still angry): "for your kind information this juice contains papaya... Did you really want your wife to have papaya?"
Arnav: "who the hell brought papaya into the house... I clearly said that no one is to bring such things into the house."
"Might be this Akitha... I heard her tell Di that she loves papaya... And she just kept the juice on the table and went. What if Payal had drank the juice." Lavanya who was actually standing by the side unnoticed by the others said.
Akki: "oh really... And why would Payal drink it, unless someone gave it to her intentionally. She clearly saw me drinking from the glass. Is she my lover to drink my left over? And what did you say, I brought the papaya... You were there when I came into the house. So you think that I brought the papaya in my clutch? And as you said, I told Anjali that I love papaya when I was making the juice. She clearly saw me adding it. Then why the hell did she try to give to Payal?"
Anjali was sweating by then.
Anjali: "woh... Main... I... I panicked seeing her coughing and forgot that..."
Akki: "Forgot? Seriously you forgot... We were just talking about the papaya few minutes before that... And you forgot that... Or did you do that purposefully?"
Anjali: "what I? How can you even say that... Akash?"
Akash: "Di... Just be careful around Payal..." And he took Payal from there.
Anjali was fuming. Her plan just backfired. This is the first time Akash was not supporting her and being cold.
Arnav: "HP... HP... Who brought papaya into the house..."
HP was shivering seeing his anger.
HP: "I did.. " he said in a meek tone.
Arnav: "you did?! How dare you?"
HP: "Woh Anjali Didi asked me to bring..."
Arnav: "what? Di?"
He was not really surprised.
Anjali: "woh... Chote... I was craving to eat papaya... So..."
Akki: "what? Craving? You are not pregnant to have weird and uncontrollable cravings..."
Anjali gasped at that. Her family never commented on the topic thinking it to be sensitive for her. Neither did they ever let anyone talk about it. She faked a few tears looking at her brother.
Anjali: "Chote..."
But he just glared at her before leaving the place. And Akki too left the place.
Anjali looked at Lavanya who kept a hand on her shoulder.
But both was fuming internally at the turn of events.

Akki was in her room. She was waking here and there, fuming.
"How dare she? How dare she try to pull this stunt?"
"Relax Akki... Nothing happened right?"
"But what if I was late?"
"I was right there, Akki. You guys just didn't notice me. I was just about to interfere, when you did. We decided to not leave Payal alone with Anjali and we are sticking to it...."
"I will kill her, if she try to harm my jiji again..."

Hey guys... How are you all....
Hope you guys liked the update... Not proof read... Not preplanned... Sorry for that...
Pls do comment...
Sry for the late updates... I'm really really really busy... Just done with 3 of my papers 4 more to go... I never thought that my writing skills would be useful in my exams, but it really did😂😂😂...

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