Part 12

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Arnav: "will you come back to Shantivan with me? Atleast to meet your niece or nephew? Payal is pregnant you know... I'm sure she wish to have her sister with her..."

Akki: "Arnav..."
Arnav: "I'm asking Akitha to come back... Even I don't want Khushi to face all that again...."
Akki: "I want some time Arnav... And you better find a way to get Akitha inside your house..."
Arnav: "I will take care of that... But Akki I want to know the entire thing that happened that day..."
Akki: "Arnav..."
Arnav: "it was Di... Wasn't it?"
Akki lowered her head not meeting his eyes.

She was walking back to their room thinking about what Garima said. She never wished for anyone's sorrow but ended up being the cause of everyone's miseries. Maybe Arnav was right about calling her the biggest mistake of his life.
Busy in her thoughts she almost missed Anjali standing in her way.
Khushi: "Di!!!" She kept a hand over her chest. "I didn't see you"
Anjali: "why don't you just go away, like you mother asked you to. Even Arnav wants you out off his life."
Khushi: "what?! No he doesn't..."
Anjali: "He is my brother and I know him. He doesn't want you here. He loves me the most and he himself will throw you out. I thought that you are a poor, innocent girl. But no... You are too cunning. You tried to trap my Shyamji, in your charms. Then eyed my brother. Then you tried to separate both my Shyamji and my Chote from me. They are heard me? MINE! I was the most important person in their life and will remain so. Not you..."
Khushi: "Di?"
Anjali: "you will leave this house and then Chotte and Shyamji will come back to me."
Khushi: "Di... Arnavji and I love each other."
Anjali: "No! I won't let him love anyone else. You love him right? Then leave this house. Else I'll sent both of you out of this house. You know that this house is mine."
Khushi: "what?! You wouldn't do that to your Chote."
Anjali: "No, I wouldn't do that to my Chote... But I'll surely do that to your ARNAVJI. For my Chote, my happiness is everything. He does everything for me, to fulfill my wishes. I wouldn't tolerate him staying in front of me and loving someone else. So would you go out on your own or want your Arnavji out in the streets with you?"
Khushi: "I... I will go...."
Anjali: "Good... Leave your mangalsutr(nuptial chain) and Mama's kangans(bangles) here. How dare you even wear Mama's kangans? Those are mine. Everything is mine. And I had to give you everything. Not anymore...."
Khushi clutched her mangalsutr and a lone tear escaped her eyes.
Anjali: "what are you waiting for? Go..."
She was totally broken. First her Arnavji, then Amma and now Di.
She didn't take anything with her, just some money she had earned on her own. She went to the railway station and took the next train to Mumbai. She wanted her brothers and she had to reach them somehow.

Arnav: "How dare she? The entire property is not in her name. It is equally divided between us three siblings. I had changed the will the minute I decided to bring you into my life. Did you really think that I would do that to you and our children?"
Akki: "children?"
Arnav: "what? We would have had children..."
Akki: "ya surely we would have..."
Arnav: "I would have lost my control one day or the other. I already told you..."
Akki: "I know. I know...." She sobered up after that. "It was not about the property, Arnav. I know you are capable enough to look after me, but I was worried about the situation. You loved your sister more than anything. You said all that to me just because of your love for your sister. If she did something like that, you would have been broken. And I couldn't handle that."
Arnav: "what about you Khushi?"
Akki: "ha?"
Arnav: "you too were broken."
Akki: "it's ok Arnav. My brothers know how to handle me. See I'm strong now..."
Arnav smiled slightly.
Arnav: "And all these because she tried to abort a baby which was not even there...."
Akki: "what do you mean?"
Arnav: "She was not pregnant Khushi. After that day I went to the hospital to see her doctor. Her previous appointment was not with her usual doctor as she was out of station. The new doctor said that Di went to meet her for dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation). I was shocked. I dreaded the worst and asked about the baby. The doctor was surprised. As far as she knew Mrs. Anjali Jha was on birth control. I didn't want to confront her and hear her reason. Some part of me feared that I might hate her. But still the distance between us increased. I always had a guilt that maybe she had a genuine reason. But now I'm not sure."
Akki: "And she staged an accident to kill the non existent baby...." She gasped. "Arnav... The mishaps with Jiji... Do you think that?"
Arnav too was shocked by the possibility and the fact that nothing of the sort happened since Payal started living in the Gupta house. But his Di wouldn't do something like that, would she?
Akki: "When is she coming back to Shantivan?"
Arnav: "A few days before her Godh bharai(baby shower celebrated during pregnancy).... Wait how do you know all these. You said that you are not in touch with Payal."
Akki: "I'm not in touch with Jiji. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't keep tabs on her. And also she is touch with our brothers.... Arnav you are going back to Delhi before she comes to Shantivan. And I'll join you after a few days."
Arnav: "can't you come with me? You can stay in the guest house till you decide to come to Shantivan."
Akki: "Arnav.... I have a few commitments here. I'll join you as soon as I'm free..."
Arnav: "How am I gonna stay without you all those days?" He trailed his hand on her body.
She held his hand, restricting it's movements.
Akki: "oh... So this is the reason..."
Arnav smirked: "of course... What did you think..." This earned him a smack.
He stood up from the bed to wear his pants.  He turned around hearing her gasp and quirked an eyebrow.
She too stood up from the bed and went to him.
She ran her fingers over the scratch marks worriedly making him smile.
Akki: "is it paining?"
Arnav: "slightly... But I already told you that I like this wild cat in bed..." He pulled her closer for a kiss.

Hey guys... As usual ... Not proof read... Pls do comment.... Pardon me for the mistakes...

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