Part 3

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Neil saw her descending the stairs and went to her immediately.
Arjun came to Arnav at the same moment.
Arjun: "ASR!!! I'm really glad that you came... Come I'll introduce my family..."
They were talking to Anand Raichand, Arjun's father, when everyone's attention diverted to the entrance, and Arnav too turned noticing others.
Three people entered a couple in their forties and a beautiful girl in her early twenties, dressed elegantly.

Three people entered a couple in their forties and a beautiful girl in her early twenties, dressed elegantly

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The Raichands excused themselves and went towards the entry

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The Raichands excused themselves and went towards the entry.

Arnav watched on as Neil and Sam exchanged rings, inbetween teasings.
He relaxed. He had been thinking that Neil was getting engaged to Akitha.
And he was shocked when Arjun's Grandfather, Mr. Yash Raichand introduced her as his granddaughter.


In the few days which followed, Arnav had to work in close contact with Neil and Akitha and soon became friends with the two.
Arnav was surprised, when one day Neil took him to watch a race. He was surprised by the fact that Akitha didn't accompany them. The 2 siblings were rather inseparable.
But then Neil started cheering "Akki... Akki..."
Not only was Akitha racing but she won the race too.


Arnav was sitting in his cabin, looking at Khushi's photo.
Akitha was an exact look alike of Khushi... Well not really exact... They were quite different too... Khushi was someone who always wore a salwar and rarely saree.. but Akitha... The engagement was the only time when he saw her in Indian wear. And Khushi, she was afraid of speeding and Akitha, she was a racer. Akitha was rather a businesswoman and his Khushi... She was Sankadevi... A smile came to his face thinking about her.
And Akitha chose the same moment to walk into the cabin. Arnav was so busy in his thoughts that he didn't see her.
She went towards him to see the photo. He noticed her presence, hearing her gasp.
Arnav: "that's my wife, Khushi...."
She looked at him shocked.
Akki: "WIFE? But..."
Arnav: "she looks like you..."
She was looking at the photo.
Akki: "you never mentioned anything about being married..."
Arnav: "because I was never a good husband... I never even told her how I felt... That I love her..."
Akki: "why?" She asked her eyes never leaving the photo.
Arnav: "long story... How about we go somewhere...."


Arnav told her, how he fell in love with Khushi, at the first sight.
How vulnerable he felt. The had sworn to never fall in love and Akki questioned him. He told her about his parents. He told her about all the things he did to drive his Khushi away. How it pained him each time seeing her cry. How he despised her tears but always turned out to be the one causing them. How he found her and Syam on the terrace, how heart broken he felt, how Syam manipulated him, his strange proposal to Khushi, the marriage of 6 months.
He told her about how he tortured his Khushi, after marriage, even though he was equally hurt. How she came to know about the truth, his kidnapping, throwing Syam out of the house, how he found his sister trying to abort the baby, how he vented his anger on Khushi.
Akitha listened to the whole thing with rapt attention.

Arnav: "I don't know Akki... I always took her for granted.... I loved her but only showed anger... That day.... I knew that she was not at fault... But I was hurt and she was the one who was closest to my heart... She was the only one to whom I could talk, at a time like that... But no!!! I preferred to yell at her than showing her my vulnerable side.... By the time I cooled down and went back home.... She was already gone.... I had been pushing her away from me and that time I just pushed too hard."
He completed, a silent tear rolling down.
This was the first time he was talking about her, about his feelings. He was rather relaxed after telling her everything.
Akitha just gave him a small smile.
Akitha: "it's quite late, I better get home." She said checking her watch.
He looked at her surprised. Not a reaction he was expecting.


Akitha walked into her home with a blank face. Her family was sitting in the hall, checking the clothes for the wedding.
Arjun: "bachi, come see the lehenga for..." He stopped seeing her face. He went to her and cupped her face.
Arjun: "Are you alright, bachi?"
And tears, which she was trying to keep at bay, till now, started falling freshly, marking him panic. He immediately took her to the adjacent room, calling for Neil on the way. The others hadn't really noticed the exchange.

Neil too​ panicked seeing her.
Neil: "what happened, Akki?"
Akki: "Bhai..." She hugged him and started crying more.
He hugged her close and Arjun was stroking her hair. Slowly she calmed down.
Neil: "Bacha... You want to talk about it? Only if you want..."
Akki: "he is in love with Khushi... She left him 5yrs ago.... Still he is in love with her... Why can't he just hate her... Forget her...."
Neil: "did you really think that he forgot her?"
Arjun: "you love him don't you?"
Akki: "Bhayu...."
Neil: "we are not stupid Bacha.... You have been following every single one of his shows, his interviews all these years... "
Akitha: "hmm... I love him Bhai.... And I'm not giving up on my love this time... I wouldn't allow anyone to come in between me and Arnav... anyone..."
She said with determination.

How about we stop the episode with a close-up shot of Akitha?

How about we stop the episode with a close-up shot of Akitha?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Not proof read... Sry for the typos and the crap in between...
Pls do comment....

Meri Khushi.... MY HAPPINESS!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin