Part 15

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Hey guys...I know I'm late... I'm really sry.... My exams just got over... But I still don't know what to update... Let's just see how this goes?

Akki: "hmm... Arnav let me sleep..."
Both were on her bed and Arnav was not letting her sleep, now that he woke up. How was he supposed to go back to sleep when his hot wife was right next to him.
He slowly turned her onto her back and started kissing her neck. He got on top of her and stared at her lips before slowly moving towards it.
*Knock knock*
Both stared at each other, panicked. She turned to look at the clock showing 5am.
Both got up from the bed and swiftly started dressing.
Akki: "who.. who is there?"
"Aa... Akitha?"
Both relaxed hearing Payal's sound.
Akki: "1min"
Arnav: "you talk to your sister. I'll be in my room." And he left giving her a swift kiss. She waited till Arnav got into his room before opening the door.
Payal was standing there looking all nervous. Akki smiled at her.
Akki: "come in Jiji..."
A tear escaped her eyes hearing her dear sister calling her Jiji after all these years, and she hugged her close.
Payal's gaze went to the open poolside door before resting on Akitha.
Payal: "did I interrupt something?" She asked in a teasing tone.
Akki: "Jiji!"
Payal smiled at her.
Payal: "How are you Bacha?"
Akki: "I'm fine Jiji.... How r you... And my little kiddo?"
She placed a hand over Payal's belly.
Payal: "We are both fine... Was just missing you... Now that you are here.... We are happy..."
Akki: "er... Jiji... Last night.... I didn't mean to cause any fight..."
Payal: "I know Bacha... Even I think that it is high time they see the real us."
Akki: "Jiji... You should be careful... There is someone trying to harm you..."
Payal: "you mean, Anjali?"
Akki: "Jiji.. how.."
Payal: "I started noticing after the continuous mishaps... Saved myself from a lot... But it was starting to get difficult to always look behind my back. So I hinted to Amma about it and she took me home. Well I can't expect my husband to believe anything against his sister, can I?"
Akki: "Jiji... Still it's not safe for you.  Arnav can't stay here the entire day, neither can I. As far as they know, I came here for work and I have to go out. It's a relief that Nanhe Bhai is here."
Payal: "you mean, Arnavji knows?"
She just nodded in reply.
Payal: "It is a relief that atleast Arnavji doesn't believe her blindly."
Akki: "you have no idea, what he had done, and would have done for his sister. But he came to know about a lot of things..."
Payal: "Leave that... Why are we talking about that witch?" Akki chuckled at that. "How are my brothers?"
Akki: "Doing good... Wait we can video call them.."
Payal: "What?! Akki... It's too early in the morning..."
Akki: "So what? We are up... So they should be too..."
Akki ran to Arnav's room.
He had just stepped into the room after a shower, a cold shower might I add. He was shocked by the sudden entry.
Arnav: "What the?!"
Akki: "Go get Nanhe Bhai and come to my room... Fast!"
She went out as fast as she came in and he went to call NK shaking his head at his wife's craziness.

Neil was dreaming about his marriage when the ringing of his phone woke him. He took the phone cursing the caller, but panicked seeing Akki's name. He attended the call immediately​.
Neil: "Akki... What happened? Are you alright?"
Akki: "Good morning Neil... Go wake up Bhayu and come online."
Neil: "What?! Akki did you even see the time?"
Akki: "You are my sweet Bhai, na? Pls go and call Bhayu... Pretty pls... Even Jiji wants to see you guys..."
Neil: "hmmm... Alright!"

Arnav looked at Payal surprised. In all the 6yrs he had known her, he never realised that she was such a jolly person. The two girls were cracking jokes and teasing their 3 brothers. They were teasing NK stating about their Bhabhi... He didn't even know that NK was in a relationship.

They were at the breakfast table. Akki had not yet reached. Sheethal was serving Arnav much to his irritation. She was just about to sit next to him when Akki sat there, making him sigh in relief.

Arnav: "Nani.... I was thinking about Payal joining office."
Anjali: "what? How can she join the office?"
Akash: "Why Di? She is educated. She can atleast train there..."
Anjali: "I mean... She is pregnant... Why take unnecessary stress..."
Akash: "oh!"
Arnav: "there won't be any stress Di... It is our office... She can keep herself occupied...."
Anjali: "She can do the household work to keep herself occupied..."
Akki: "What?!"
NK: "She is not a servant here..." He bit out, and the others, except for Arnav and Akki looked at him surprised.
Arnav: "there is more strain in household work than office work..."
Manorama: "Payal bitiya, do you want to join office?"
Akki looked at her surprised. She was not surprised by the endearment. She knew that mamiji was a poor soul. Rather it was the thought. All these time others were discussing about Payal as if she is an object, but Mami inturn asked her opinion in the matter. She smiled at that.
Payal: "ji Maaji... I would like that..."
Manorama: "I guess it is settled, then?"
Nani nodded, approvingly.

Arnav forwarded his hand to pour juice into his glass. But Sheethal bet him to it. She forwarded the filled glass towards him. He glared at her before taking another glass and filling it. Akki was observing the whole thing silently.
Akash and Arnav went to office, taking Payal along with them.

The day was hectic and he was really tired. All he wanted to do was see his wife and sleep cuddling her if possible. But the first face he saw as he entered Shantivan was Sheethal's. She came towards him, smiling and forwarded her hand, as if to take his bag. He glared at her.
Arnav: "what?"
Sheethal: "I will keep the bag."
Arnav: "No need! Don't forget that you are a guest here. So behave like a guest!"
Arnav was just about to walk off when someone forwarded a cup of coffee in front of him.
Akki: "Coffee?"
Arnav: "Thanks"
Sheethal's anger flared at that.
Sheethal: "Who asked you to make coffee for him? You are a guest here... Behave like one!"
Arnav: "Sheethal! Who the hell do you think you are to question her?"
Sheethal: "But..."
Akki: "Excuse me.... Excuse me...." She interjected and then turned towards sheethal. "Who told you that I made coffee for him. I made it for myself." She showed the cup in her other hand. "There was an extra cup, so just offered him. That's all..."
Sheethal: "Then why didn't you offer me?"
Akki: "Because I didn't know that you liked black coffee.. that too without sugar..."
Sheethal: "How do you know that he likes it?"
Akki: "Dear... The whole world knows that ASR likes black coffee without sugar..."
She shrugged her shoulders and walked upstairs.

Arnav walked into his room. He removed his coat and tie before sitting  down on the recliner and closing his eyes. He felt soft fingers massaging his head, relaxing him.
Akki: "you ok?"
Arnav: "That Sheethal is really irritating me, Khushi..."
Akki: "hmm... You don't worry... I will do something about her... You just relax"
He pulled her onto his lap and started kissing her neck.
Akki: "Arnav... What are you doing?"
Arnav: "relaxing!"
He stood up taking her in his arms and carrying her to the bed.

Arnav was sitting next to Akash as he was having dinner. Akki just reached there and took the seat opposite to Arnav. Sheethal and Shyam were nowhere to be seen. NK just reached the table and seeing Arnav, asked him about his mood, slapping his shoulder, making Arnav hiss slightly. NK looked at him questioningly before his gaze went to a wide eyed Akki and his lips stretched in a sly grin.
NK: "looks like someone is wild in bed..." He whispered​ while sitting down to Arnav's other side, so that only he could hear him. Arnav glared at him in reply.
Arnav's phone rang right then. He looked at the phone surprised seeing the caller id.
Arnav: "Lavanya? How are you? I wasn't expecting a call from you..."
Lavanya: "Why ASR? I can't call you?"
Arnav: "I didn't mean that... Ok... You tell me..."
Lavanya: "can you put the phone in speaker, ASR? I want to talk to Naniji...."
Arnav did as she asked.
Arnav: "You are on speaker, Lavanya."
La: "Nameste Naniji... How are you?"
Nani: "I'm fine bitiya. You tell me, how are you?"
La: "I'm fine Naniji... Actually I wanted to ask you something... Er... I had some work in Delhi... If you don't mind, can I... Can I stay there in Shantivan for a few days, until I arrange a place for myself? Also I was missing you guys a lot..."
Nani: "what is there to ask bitiya... You are always welcome here... Just come here when you want to..."
La: "thank you so much Naniji..."
Nani: "have a safe journey bitiya..."

The four were in NK's room talking about random things.
NK: "wah... What a time man... Your Wife is in your house, along with your ex. And tomorrow's another ex is coming. Why don't you call all your exs here. There may be more rooms free here, in Shantivan. Did you actually imagine something like this when you built this large house?"
Arnav: "will you shut up, NK?"
Both the girls chuckled seeing the whole exchange.

As usual I have no idea what I typed. I just wish that I didn't mess it up. I don't know when I will be able to update the next epi. My exams are over. But that's just the models. My university is about to start. I haven't started studying and I have no idea what I am gonna do...
Leave that... My exams are for me to worry about..
You guys just keep commenting...
Do comment. May it be positive or negatives about my writing. Just make sure that you let you know, what you think....
Again sry for being late... But I can't help it till my uni exams are not over.... Sry....

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