Chapter 1

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Blake's POV
Running. But how long can I run for? I'm scared? Why should I be scared? It's my fault this has happened. I shouldn't be scared. How can I be scared of her? How can I be scared of the one I love? The pain. The pain in my heart is too much to bare. I'm sorry, Yang. This is all my fault.

A few hours ago

Yang and I sat in our dorm room. Ruby and Weiss were at a class whereas myself and Yang had a free lesson. I lay on my bed reading and Yang watched videos on her scroll, every now and then I would hear a giggle sound from above me. After about an hour of this near silence Yang got bored, so came to pester me.

"Blaaaaaaake!" Yang sang as she hung upside down from her bunk looking at me. Her long blonde locks cascaded towards the ground almost blocking all light that reached my bed.

Placing my book down I sighed. "Yes, Yang?" I already knew what was going to come next.

"I'm boooooooored!" She moaned whilst crossing her arms over her face.

"Why don't you go and find Nora?" I suggested.

Yang wines. "But she's in lesson."

"Well, how about Pyrrha?"

"She'll be with Jaune somewhere and I'm not one to third-wheel." She continued to moan.

"There's always Ren." I shrugged.

"Nah, he's only fun when Nora is there."

"Yang, you have plenty of friends and there is loads to do here, so just go and do something!" I was starting to get annoyed, Yang was in one of those moods where she wanted something and would make any excuse to get it.

"Woah, kitty cat's got a short fuse!" Yang beamed.

"What have I said about the cat jokes?" I questioned through gritted teeth.

"Hmmmmm." She thought for a minute, "That you love them and think they're very creative."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You're not going to leave me alone, are you?"

"Nope." She bluntly smirked, "Nobody likes to be alone."

"I do." I muttered under my breath.


I don't like being alone. She was right. I need her here with me. I need her so I won't be alone. I beg for you to come back, yet I still run from you. Please, come back to me, Yang.

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