<13> The Book

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"So you're telling me you left her on her own? In this house? Are you stupid?" Jeff snapped, fists clenched at his sides.

"I had to go see the boss. The door was locked, and I didn't mean to take as long as I did." Ej replied. He didn't seem affected by the man's display of anger before him.

"So you're just going to blame it on-" The smiley man was cut short by the opening of the bathroom door, (Y/n) cautiously stepping out in oversized clothes. Her limbs were bruised and cut up, but she only examined her arms for a short moment before pulling the sleeves of the white hoodie back down.

Her clothes had been too dirty to keep on her, so Jeff had decided to give her some of his for two purposes. One - to make sure she didn't end up with an infection. Two - To make sure people knew to keep their hands off of her. Jeff wanted to her to suffer by his hands. Nobody else's. And if that meant sacrificing his reputation.. Well, he wasn't sure he would go that far. She wasn't anything special. She didn't mean anything significant. He just liked the way she fought back despite that meaning she risked her life. He liked the way she didn't just let herself fall because she had nobody else to make proud. But everything above and more was what made him despise her. She was too brave. Too.. strategic. She could easily be the end of him if she ever figured out how. He needed her dead before she got to that level. No 'if' about that. He knew she would eventually.

Just by examining (Y/n) for the short time she had been here, Jeff already knew a lot about her. Mainly that she was quite antisocial, but still had a silver tongue and a venomous bite when she had to speak back. But at the same time, she seemed conflicted. Whenever she struck out - injecting her lethal words into the threat - a look of confusion, horror or fear would cross her face. It was amusing. He wanted to see her cower at his feet. To see her bleed out, blood dripping down the walls. Splattering over him. God, it would feel so good. So.. refreshing. But he wanted to wait a bit, since he knew the longer her waited, the better he would feel as he slit through her throat.

(Y/n) was near silent as she hobbled over to the bed, picking up the seemingly magical book. Again, she traced the golden indentations in the cover that were also moving slowly - climbing up the page from the bottom left corner to the top right. It was a little under a quarter of the way through. She carefully opened it to the first page. Instantly she felt a warm, contempt feeling wrap around her.

But just before she could finish the first page, Jeff snatched it from her and threw it across the room. "Don't read that. It's probably going to possess you or something," He stated as he rolled his eyes with a shrug, "Look, you have rules here. No talking to anyone without me or EJ present. If confronted, you are to walk away." He steadily got closer, breath still smelling of alcohol. But again, he seemed perfectly sober. Maybe it was just his general aroma. But then, it's not like someone would just decide to take a bath in alcohol one day. Although he was utterly insane. No doubt about that.

"Don't walk around the room if nobody is in here with you. And no leaving the room unless instructed and lead. I'll find some stuff for you to do." He continued.

"And don't touch my equipment," EJ grumbled as he straightened out the tools on the counter. (Y/n) giggled quietly, and only for a brief moment.

She couldn't taker her eyes off of the book. She wanted so desperately to read it - to find out what was inside it. Why it concerned Jeff so much. And if it was so bad, why was it there in the first place.

A wave of anxiety shivered down her body as she made eye contact with EJ. Or as much as she could, with him having no eyes. Suddenly she didn't feel so safe. Not that she had anyway, but she had somewhat trusted EJ to take care of her, even if he only did it so Jeff wouldn't bury a knife deep into his body. But now she felt as though he had other ideas. Other ways to get into her- both physically and mentally. She remembered how he had looked at her when they had their first proper encounter. It was eerily close to the hungry stare he had given the organ he had been eating. It was sincere. He wanted to eat her.

'He'll rip your organs out of your body. Hold your beating heart in his hands until it becomes still. Watch as you writhe and scream like the maggot you are,'

(Y/n) sat upright, hand clasping over her mouth as she gagged.

'He's waiting. He's here.'

Her body swung over the side of the bed as she vomited uncontrollably. Shivers of fear and cold waves of anxiety swept through her, making her shudder and grip onto the side of the bed. Jeff stood back, a look of disgust scrunching onto his face. Though his frown slowly peeked into an amused grin as (Y/n)'s vomiting stopped, leaving her crying and holding onto herself.

The two killers looked over at each other, shrugged and went back to what they were previously doing.

"I'll leave you to it." Jeff mumbled, turning his back as he started walking to the door.

"No," (Y/n) screamed, "Don't leave me in here alone!" Suddenly Jeff was comfortable to be around compared to anyone else she had met.

"You won't be alone. EJ will be-"

"No, no, no, no you're not leaving me with that.. THING!" She hissed, bolting up to grip onto him, though she only slipped and hit the floor just at his feet. EJ seemed slightly offended by her remark, but didn't say anything.

Jeff kicked her away, "Yes I am. Get up and get back on the bed, you pathetic child." He snarled, storming out the door and slamming it behind him with a force that sent a breeze in the girl's direction.

When (Y/n) had turned around, the puke was already cleaned and disinfected. She would be impressed, if she didn't have a sickening feeling of dread kicking her in the gut.

Why must I suffer so?

Your role here is greatly appreciated.

What of the parents?

Everything is sorted. Do not worry.

I'm not sure I can go through with this.

You are powerless.

Twisted Games (Jeff The Killer x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now