<8> Cheshire Cat

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"...right, so you thought it was a good idea to bring her here, the one place that the police don't know about. Remind me why that won't cause us trouble?"

"Relax, Tim, she isn't gonna get far if she ever gets out. This is our turf, you know that." Jeff 's voice was closer to her than the other man's, though her head hurt and her throat stung. She was finding it hard to focus, and her hearing was somewhat off as she stirred. The voice of the other man, who she assumed was called Tim, since thats what Jeff called him, was familiar to Masky's. Was that his real name then?

"Don't you fucking dare call me that, Jeffrey, or I swear I will-"

"Shut up! The girl is waking up." a third voice quietly shushed them. It was one she was sure she hadn't heard before, and without opening her eyes she tried to place it to one if the faces - or masks - that she knew, but to no avail.

She let out a small moan as she tried to sit up, clutching her head with one hand while the other loosely supported her upper body. She took a moment to recollect her thoughts before opening her eyes.

She squinted as the bright light above her momentarily blinded her, though as her eyes adjusted she found three men in the room with her, all staring right in her direction; Masky and Jeff were holding on to each other's shirts, threatening to throw a punch, though their fists remained immobile in the air. Behind them stood a man with a ski mask and a yellow hood. She vaguely remembered him, but her mind was clouded at that moment due to the pounding in her head.

Jeff then broke away from Masky with a glare - if looks could kill, Masky would be dismembered - and picked up a glass from the side, violently shoving it towards (Y/n) with as blank of an expression as was possible for him. A shiver found its way down the girl's back, however she took the glass carefully, avoiding any kind of contact with his rough, white hand.  She suspiciously eyes the clear contents of the glass before looking up at Jeff. She didn't quite know how to feel at the moment.

On the one hand, she was afraid. Or, more like intimidated. She had no reason to trust Jeff to actually be looking out for her, or anyone here for that matter, and she was being offered a glass of 'perfectly normal' water. It could nor be trusted.

On the other hand, she was behind infuriated. This psycho had murdered her friends and kidnapped her, and now he's offering her a drink expecting her to just cooperate. She wanted to stand up and fight him, beat him to a bloody pulp for what he had done. But it was three against one, and she was parched. The least she could do was be grateful for what he was giving her.

"It's just water. Drink it." The male ordered, his tone low and uninterested. Despite the nagging urge to throw the glass onto the concrete floor and let it shatter, (Y/n) immediately gulped down the clean, refreshing water. It soothed her throat and somewhat eased the dizziness that the pounding in her skull was causing.

"Why does the boss allow this," Masky groaned, turning around with a sigh as he punched the bridge of his nose. He stood and stared at the wall for awhile, his foot tapping on the ground. It was a slow, steady beat - enough to calm (Y/n) as she focused on it. She was still clutching the empty glass, eyes down on the ground as though she was contemplating something. Then her expression changed.

She stood up and threw the glass to the ground in a burst of rage, turning to face the Cheshire cat of this murder land, "You murderer! You killed Kayden! All of this is because of you! You are the piece of shit that's ruined my entire life, you deserve to rot in Hell for everything that you have done!" she screeched. Jeff simply let her, watching her with a wide grin. He found her outburst amusing to say the least, and her courage was certainly something.

"Don't just fucking smile at me. How the fuck can you just stand there, smiling happily knowing that all those people are dead by the likes of you?" She was beginning to tear up, the salty water simply strolling down her face. She wasn't crying - these were more tears of anger than anything.

(Y/n) sat back down, resting her elbows on her legs and her head in her hands. That's when Jeff starting giggling. She was alarmed, her head immediately shooting up to watch his outburst of insanity unfold before her. The look in his eyes was terrifying. Unblinking, staring right into her soul. She could feel his deranged stare diving into her very being, devouring her essence as she became lost in the blue sea of his retinas.

He began clawing at his stomach as he doubled over in what almost seemed like pain, but he was still laughing. Tears began to prick at the sides of his wide eyes from the laughter, but he showed no sign of stopping just yet.

He started crawling slowly towards her, and even as she backed up, back pushing against the cold stone wall, he continued onwards until he was practically on top of her. He got to close to her ear that his alcohol-stained breath was hot on her neck, making her hair stand on end. His laughing suddenly halted, and for a moment all she could hear was his jagged breathing.

"Come on now, you don't intend to blame me for all of that do you? After all.. We're all mad here." he whispered as his laughing fit started up again. He slowly made his way back on his feet, proceeding towards what seemed to be the door, and with one final wave back at her, the door was shut.

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