<9> Meaningless

603 15 7

(Y/n) sighed, surveying the room. It was fairly empty save for the somewhat uncomfortable bed and the small table beside it, and the floor and walls were completely barren - just pure concrete, or stone. She couldn't quite tell as it was a bit dim, even with the single lightbulb struggling to illuminate the whole space. Laying on the small table was a small loaf of bread, and as (Y/n)'s eyes landed upon it, her stomach growled. It sounded a bit like a dying whale or a broken door, and she knew she was hungry.

How long had it been since she had last eaten? She had no way of tracking time, no clock nor window, and with the amount of times she had fallen unconscious, it could have been weeks for all she knew.

Immediately she reached out towards the loaf, gently taking it in her hands and inspecting it. It seemed perfectly fine, and again she reminded herself that it wasn't a big deal if it was poisoned. She slowly raised it towards her face, sniffing it before shrugging and taking a bite. It wasn't long before it was completely gone, and all that were left were small, pathetic crumbs.

She sat in silence for a long time. There were no footsteps to show signs of an outside world, no pitter-patter-pitter-patter of rain, nothing. Just the deafening ringing of silence in her ears, and the soft, even breathing of herself.

It was enough to drive her crazy. Even the man with a slit face was better to be around than to suffer in this thick silence. It was too thick, like cut-it-with-a-knife thick. Something about that made (Y/n) give out an uneasy chuckle. However the chuckled soon turned into light laughter that she had no control over, and she backed herself into a wall. She now felt very unsettled. It was almost like her body was forcing her to laugh despite there being nothing to laugh about.

Then she stopped. There was a loud bang at one of the walls. It was metallic, like something being thrown at a pole. Then the door in the wall opened, however the light from the room didn't allow (Y/n) to see past the door. The only thing she could make out was the faint outline of a few photos neatly hung on a well-kept wall behind a figure she recognised.

It wasn't Jeff, and she didn't know how to feel about that, since he could easily be the worst of the best person in whatever building she was being held in, but instead she found herself gazing into the empty mask of who she recalled as Masky. She couldn't tell his emotion since his eyes were concealed and his posture was, for the most part, casual - and even when he spoke his voice was fairly monotone.

"Being in here is better than out there. Just don't make me smash your fuckin brain out, a'ight kid?" He huffed, shutting the door and leaning back against it. He didn't sound angry, maybe just a little pissed off, but (Y/n) didn't want to speak just in case he decided the walls needed a splat of blood to liven up the place.

Then she found she didn't have to. Both were sat in an almost comfortable yet still tense silence, not quite suffocating but enough to give a.. strange atmosphere. They were lost in thought. Of all rooms, why would Masky come here? That didn't matter, though. Almost nothing mattered, really. It was sad, to think that everyone she once knew, loved or even hated, was now.. decaying somewhere, most likely. For no reason. They were all innocent, even when they weren't- they didn't deserve death. At least, not at their hands.

(Y/n) was torn from her thoughts by a loud bang in Masky's direction. However his arms were crossed, body jittering slightly as the door behind him was pushed forward ever so slightly by someone or something trying to get in.

"Get out of there you fucking coward! I'll rip you to shreds if I find you've even laid a hand on her! She's my fucking victim!" Jeff called, eventually bashing the door in on Masky, who stood up in a fit of rage. He took a swing at Jeff, who grabbed his fist and twisted it.
It was with phenomenal strength that the ghost of a man floored the masked criminal, whose wrist was certainly in pure agony and in a state that seemed unfixable. And yet.. he showed no sign of pain. That in itself was enough to send a shiver down (Y/n)'s spine.

"You- He didn't- Get off him!" The girl yelled, without thinking before she acted. Instantly she regretted it. Jeff turned to face her. His face was contorted into the most hateful and fiery expression one could manage, even with the smile slit deep into his cheeks, and he stalked up to her.

Her breathing became heavy as he backed her into a wall, "You haven't been here for even a day and you're causing me more fucking trouble than I care to deal with. I will kill you right here, right now WITHOUT HESITATION. Stand DOWN," he yelled, spit flicking everywhere.

(Y/n) nodded and swallow the knot forming in her throat. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she could feel the drowning sensation of fear coarse through her veins, choking down her throat and through her eye sockets, the scent clear in her own nostrils. But there was an odd sensation that made her want to fight. She went to reach out towards Jeff, a look of desperation crossing her face, and pure anger on his. He reacted almost immediately, grabbing her arm, turning her round, and slamming her into the wall with a snarl.

"Don't fucking touch me, you disgusting human. I will slaughter you. I will tear your guts out and hang them across the ceiling for decoration. I will watch as EJ tears through your kidneys, as you are eaten alive and even dead, as the maggots fill your decaying carcass, YOU WILL DIE ONE DAY, and that day is up to ME. YOU MEAN NOTHING,"
The blade slid right through her flesh. She gasped, sputtering as it pulled out. Collapsing to the floor. Her hands reached to stop the bleeding in her side, and her vision blurred through the pain. Pure pain. She let out cries of agony, looking up at the looking figure. For a moment, her eyes deceived her.
"E.. than.?" She sputtered, reaching out before she couldn't see anything but a surrounding blackness.

Hey so it's been.. a long time. I'm so sincerely sorry but I haven't given up on this. Not now, when I have everything as I want it to be. I will try my hardest to update more, however I may get sidetracked and create a new story since I'm really stuck for how to put my ideas into words.

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