<3> Cold Blooded Killers

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"Let the game begin."

As those four words echoed around the room, the two killers pounced on the girls before they could even process what had been said. They screamed, pushing the two away and instinctively ganging up on them. Leigh and Morgan were trying to beat Masky up, while Alexzia fought Jeff. The fight didn't last long though, because the three were no match for the killers.

Alexzia was pinned to the wall, Jeff towering over her with a cruel smile tugging at his lips. Masky had already beat one of the girls down, and Morgan was now trying to find something to use to hit him. That only made Masky growl, though it was more amused than angry somehow, and he grabbed her wrist, pinning her next to Alexzia.

"We have a cheater, Jeff. I say we show them what we do to cheaters," He mused, staring deep into Morgan's blue eyes, feasting off of the fear evident in her expression.

"About time," The smiling killer laughed, swiftly pulling out his knife, stabbing Alexzia in the stomach. A scream erupted from her throat, though it soon turned to strangled gargles as blood spilled from her mouth, covering the killer and herself. Masky chuckled.

"I prefer a more.. Direct way of killing, you could say.." He mumbled, looking around to find something to use. Eventually when he couldn't find anything, he looked over at the man nearest the door, who had a mouth-guard on, along with a tan hoodie that had brown stripes and was holding a pair of hatchets. Many of the students had already turned away, trembling as they feared for their safety and their friends. For all they knew, there was no way for them to make it out alive. They would all die, and if anyone did escape, they would have to live knowing that their friends had died because they didn't help them, because in a situation like this, it's every man for himself. No one could possibly live with that kind of burden on their shoulders. Most would rather die with their friends to save them any more pain than escaping would cause them. The man nodded and unlocked the door behind him, slipping through and slamming it shut before anyone could try to escape, until another man with a blue mask and a dark grey hoodie stood in front of the door and knocked on it quietly to show that he was there.

Not moments after, the man returned, slipping in quietly with a rock - large, sharp, basically the perfect weapon - clasped tightly in his hand. He handed it to Masky before sliding back against the wall. With a cruel grin, Masky turned back to the girl - and bashed her skull in. He took long swings, beating her even long after her brain was splattered over the wall. Everyone panicked, screaming, crying and puking, knowing for well that no amount of therapy would ever erase that image from their minds. Tears stained (Y/n)'s cheeks, her head being held in place by the yellow hooded man so she couldn't turn away. She wanted to close her eyes but they were stuck open; her body was paralysed by fear and shock, the bile riding up her throat despite her efforts to keep it down. She would much prefer to keep her breakfast, though despite that she broke free from the man's grasp, falling to her knees as she vomited.

Several gunshots rang through the room and bodies that were once stood now fell lifeless to the ground. Nobody else stood or even screamed, their panic now reduced to sobs and heavy breathing. Those weren't warning shots. Dead bodies were piling up like responsibilities around the room and it was painfully obvious. Blood stained the walls and the floor, the metallic scent forcing its way up (Y/n)'s nostrils, mixed with the lingering stink of fresh puke and death. The worst thing was that the killers didn't seem bothered by this: of course this would be normal for them. They were used to it, and they knew what they were doing. They could identify anyone's weaknesses in a matter of seconds, and that in itself can be terrifying enough for a lot of people.

"Now then, you see we aren't joking about this. This is real fucking life. You all are going to die today, and anyone who gets out alive, won't be free, I can guarantee that. You may outnumber us, but we are armed, or most of us are, so you have no reason to try to escape." Masky spat, wiping the remaining brain and blood off of his jacket as much as he could. (Y/n) felt light-headed. Looking around, she could see through blurred vision that a lot of students had already passed out from the sheer disgust and fear of the situation. But who knew what they would do to her unconscious body? She was still at the front, after all, and the hooded man was still behind her. The girl jumped as she felt his hand grip her shoulder tightly, an action that her brain had not processed properly as she tried to get up and walk back to Kayden. Of course, she was held in place.

"Did you enjoy the show, girly? It was real fun, wasn't it?" Jeff mused, grinning as he watched her struggle to walk away from the attention she was getting. He stepped closer.

"Get off of me!" She yelled to the man grilling her shoulder, grabbing his hand, though her grip slowly retreated as his gun was pointed to her head. She stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at his black ski mask, body shaking in fear. She felt weak. She felt.. impure. Just the thought of coming into contact with a cold blooded killer repulsed her. But then she felt her knees buckle underneath her, and she found herself falling to the ground, into the hands of the dark realm of unconsciousness.

I want to thank everyone so much for all the love and support on this story. I'm trying really hard to update while still keeping up with school, friends and family but I might be really slow updating, so I'll try really hard to update quickly.

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