<15> May You Suffer

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In that single moment, she had made her decision. Some would call her plan foolish, others would call it suicide. But whatever it was, it took all the courage she had to act upon her mind's will.

Slowly, (Y/n) stood up, making as little sound as she possibly could. She felt almost like she was approaching a stray animal - cautious, and wanting nothing more than to show it that she was not a threat. Her body low, and her arms held out gently in front of her.

Moving was in and of itself the most difficult thing she felt she had done in a while. Her foot lifted ever so slightly off of the ground, and instantly it yearned to be back as it was, placed softly behind her other foot. In fact, she wanted to move backwards; away from the threat, as she normally would. But with a soft inhale and a strong mental push, she willed herself forwards.

Her limbs were tense and yet her feet were almost silent as they carried her body across the room, towards the broken man that had unwillingly unravelled himself in front of her. (Y/n) almost pitied him.

It seemed like it had been a day's trek to the sofa, when in reality it had barely even been a minute. (Y/n) carefully lifted her figure onto the sofa, sitting next to Jeff's hunched form in silence since she couldn't will herself to speak.

She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in before lightly placing her hand on Jeff's shoulder. She awkwardly rubbed her thumb over the fabric of his clothes in an attempt to calm him, and eventually she allowed her mind to blank and her body acted other own accord. Her hand made its way around the back of his neck, other one snaking over to pull the man lightly into a hug. He seemed to lean in to it, albeit subtly, and his tense, shaking body seemed to ease into her touch.

She couldn't help but feel pity to this neglected human, who leaned so gently into her as if she would shatter upon any kind of solid pressure. For a brief moment, (Y/n) had almost forgotten who it was that was now pulling her in closer. It wasn't until Jeff had his arms wrapped around her shoulders in a tight embrace that the situation had dawned on her, and a heat spread across her body as her emotions flooded back into her, and her instincts fought to take control.

The girl went along with it though. She toyed with Jeff's unkept and knotted hair as she felt him even out his breathing. She only pulled her hand away when Jeff had sat back up, rubbing his face into his hands before sighing and looking over to (Y/n).

The look on his face shocked the girl. Of all the emotions she imagined would be going through his head, she would never have thought that in her lifetime she would see this murderer with a look of what she could only describe as fear so apparent in his expression. His eyes were even puffier than usual, and his voice was soft as he spoke finally.

"Why?" The word was almost whispered. It was enough to bring sour memories into (Y/n)'s head and tears threatened to spill as she thought back on them.


She couldn't bring herself to reply so simply. A sad smile played at her lips as a tear slipped down onto her cheeks,

"A wound so deep should never be left to heal on its own."

She replied solemnly, her gaze finding its way to where she had been lying moments before. Her gaze clouded over and her expression evened as she felt herself get pulled out of the present.

She felt as though she had stepped into the fiery gates of hell itself. Her lungs burned and with every breath she took, she could feel her body complaining as it broke out into harsh coughs. Her limbs shook as her mind scrambled to understand what was really happening. She couldn't register anything around her. She knew something was wrong, but couldn't quite place it.

Distant yells and bangs were ringing in her ears but she didn't know what it was, or even where it was coming from. The heat was almost unnatural.

A flicker of pain licked up (Y/n) arm and she drew out a pained scream. Her throat was dry and raw already, but she managed to throw herself low to the ground as to help herself breathe even slightly better. Only now did she know what was going on.

"(Y/n)!  You have to get out! Unlock your door! (Y/n)!"

"(Y/n)? Are you with me?"

The girl jolted upright as she was shook out of what it was she saw. She felt fear webbing its way into her mind and her brows furrowed as she looked up to meet Jeff's eyes. Her hand unconsciously reached to trace her arm, gaze slowly trailing down onto the large scar that was almost engraved in her skin as much as it was her mind.

"You took everything I had left." Her words sliced through the thick barrier in her mind. Fuck the plan. Fuck getting close to Jeff. She was going to force her way through his walls, and if she had to die trying to escape this god forsaken place, she'd be happy doing it.

"Everything that remained after.. you deserve to suffer for what you did to my friends!" (Y/n) found herself screaming, fists clenched as she stared Jeff in the eye with a fiery passion. She stood up and watched as he sunk back, unprepared for her outburst.

And before she could even stop herself, her fist flew up and hit him square in the nose. Her foot slammed down on Jeff's mangled and already bloody hand as her tried to pull it up to his face, and a yell of pure agony erupted from him. It was satisfying, and almost pleasurable to the sick mind (Y/n) had taken on in the heat of the moment.

Her other fist flew up to land another hit but before she could reach him, she was pulled back, head forced to the floor with a painful crack, and she was out cold.

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