Chapter 7: Operation Galice

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"Alright babe. I planted the kid and the drawing. I'm going to go watch Jeff so they don't get suspicious." 

Virgil kissed his wife.

"Operation Galice is Go. John made the name, not me. He said it's a...ship name?" Sam rolled her eyes and strolled over to where Lucy was 'drawing'. 

She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and called her mom. Hope picked up and began her part just as Gordon walked in with Alice.

"I'm watching Luc draw right now. Scott's folding laundry and Emma's helping Grandma Tracy with something so I'm watching Jeff too. Lucy is drawing...Gordon. and Alice. In a...heart? Mom, Alice is Gordon's friend. No, not girlfriend, friend. Okay Mom. Bye. Love you too." Sam looked at Gordon and Alice.

"My mom says hi. She also says you two are cute together."


Gordon felt his face go thunderbird 3 red. His family was evil.

This had to be revenge for all the pranks he had pulled on them.

Yes, he did like Alice. But.....

He couldn't find a reason why he couldn't ask her to stay on the island and be his girlfriend. She could help the girls out with the housework and finally finish going to collage if she wanted to. 

"Gordon, are you okay?"

He looked at Alice. Black curls fell around her face, framing it in a way that showed off her bright blue eyes. Her lips were a pale rose petal pink and a set of dimples sat at the corners of her mouth. 

Gordon had never been this close to her. He could see the small sprinkling of freckles on her nose.

As he opened his mouth, his back screamed in agony. It set him to the ground as he blacked out.

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