Chapter 23

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The coronation began with every previously standing demon in the hall taking their seat. Lucifer smiled vehemently down at his son, also including Kyree and Saige in his proud gaze. With a soft kiss to the back of Ambrose's hand, Kyree stepped to the side with Saige, leaving Ambrose alone centre stage, their presence not needed until later.

"Today is a day that shall be remembered for centuries, even millennia to come," Lucifer began, his thunderous voice echoing through the hall, "today, Hell crowns a new king. A new generation is brought into royalty, into power in our world, ushering our people into a new age. Ambrose Ross," Ambrose dropped to one knee silently in front of his father, his Lord, his head bowed in deference, "my son, my heir, my successor. Soon to be even my king," Kyree allowed his gaze to wander through the crowd seated with their full attention on Ambrose and his father. Along the front row of seats to the right was Essence, Deacon and another man Kyree had never met nor even recognised. To the left were Yennifer, Orion and Idella. Kyree's parents looked immensely proud, Kyree could even detect a tear welling his father's eye.

"Ambrose Zagan Ross," Kyree suppressed a snigger at the first mention of Ambrose's middle name, "do you pledge to forever put the needs of Hell first? Before blood, before love and before happiness? Do you pledge your allegiance to the people of Hell, the demons that you will rule and any others who choose to take refuge in this realm?"

"Yes, father, I do. I vow to do everything in my will to protect and serve those under my power," Ambrose may have directed his speech to the immaculate burgundy carpet he was knelt on but Kyree knew every demon in Hell somehow heard that oath loud and clear.

Kyree's lips parted ever so slightly in a silent gasp as two thick black horns grew from Lucifer's head. They were almost identical in the pearlescent obsidian shade that coated them, but Lucifer's were longer and thicker, curved in a sense that was similar to Abigor's.

What truly made them stand out to Kyree, though, was the flecks of silver littered through them black, as if laced into the design after it had already been crafted. Ambrose's hair parted as his own pair of horns sprouted from his head, although Kyree had no idea how he had known to do it in that moment since his eyes had remained on the floor during the entire speech.

"Stand, my child," Lucifer commanded, all eyes on Ambrose as he rose to his feet, finally making eye contact with his father. Lucifer removed a simple golden ring from his right hand, slipping it onto Ambrose's right finger on his respective hand.

"We do not wear crowns in this world, my child, for we are all equals. This ring has been passed down through our bloodline from king to prince for generations. It is a symbol of strength in simplicity. And as my final gift to my eldest child, I bestow upon you the gifts of royalty in this world," Ambrose made no hesitation in gripping his father's outstretched hand with his own, a pained grimace plastered across his face the second their skin made contact.

Kyree was glad Saige had heeded his warning and kept a hold of his hand as she was the only thing preventing him from some outburst at the suffering Lucifer had called a gift. It was a few seconds before Kyree truly noticed it, Ambrose's horns were growing. They were lengthening, the tips curling as flecks of silver seemed to bubble to the beautiful black surface of them.

As Ambrose's power built, his father's dwindled. If Kyree had thought Ambrose was suffering, Lucifer was in agony, a bead of sweat forming on his brow as he forced himself to keep his eyes locked with his son. His horns withered, dulling from that bewitching black to steely, matted shade of silver.

Sensing that the transfer of power was almost through, Kyree dared to take a step closer to the two demons. As Kyree had anticipated, when the physical contact broke between Lucifer and his son, the elder man stumbled backwards lightly, caught by Kyree's hand resting on his back.

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