Chapter 19

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"What is this?" one of the men on the left of Lucifer bellowed, "execute him!" Kyree didn't have the time to protest before the man still towering over him touched the shadows to his cheek. They were strangely cold as if ice had been pressed lightly against his skin.

For a second, Kyree heard raised voices, desperation and anger filling the room. Then nothing. Pure silence and complete darkness. Even the fire seemed to cease it's sullen crackling, awaiting the verdict on Kyree's life.

"Retract the shadows," Lucifer's voice sounded muffled and distant, yet Kyree could still detect the grim tone he held. The darkness receded, warmth flooding Kyree's shivering form as he blinked rapidly.

"That's not possible..." the same man breathed, his wide-eyed gaze fixed on Kyree. Ambrose, who had previously been crouched on the floor a few feet from where Kyree was knelt, appeared just inches from his lover, reaching out to touch his cheek.

"I thought I'd lost you," Ambrose whispered, his voice barely audible despite how close he was to Kyree. Ambrose caressed Kyree's cheek, the skin on skin contact sending a flush of heat through the demon's freezing body.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Kyree replied, leaning in and covering Ambrose's mouth with his own. He had missed his lover, craved his touch every day they had been separated. Allowing himself to relax for the first time in 30 days, Kyree sighed happily against Ambrose's soft lips.

Ambrose pulled away abruptly, inhaling sharply and tugging his sleeve up. The two men observed as a brand in the shape of chain weaved it's way up Ambrose's forearm, searing the flesh as it went. Kyree pulled up his own sleeve, seeing an identical mark growing on his own arm.

"I can't feel it," Kyree murmured, running his thumb up the freshly burnt skin of his arm, "must be my intolerance to fire."

"This is ridiculous!" that same irritating duke shrieked, stepping down from his position next to Lucifer and stalking over to Kyree and Ambrose, "this must all be some well thought out ploy, my Lord, your son is clearly just stalling the execution for his own purposes. I suggest-"

"Silence yourself, Idris!" Lucifer bellowed, his voice echoing in the bare room, "you have spoken enough, should another word leave your mouth I will remove your tongue. You are lucky that Kyree somehow survived your attempt on his life or your tongue would not have been the only appendage I would have alleviated from you," Lucifer appeared next to his son, helping both him and Kyree to their feet, "may I see?" Kyree presented his arm to Lucifer, who examined it with extreme care, his brows drawn together in a frown, "there is clearly a higher power at work here, Kyree Landon, you are pardoned of all charges. I have no right to enact any sort of punishment upon you with your growing tie to my son, you have my deepest apologies."

"It's fine, you were only doing your job. I forgive you," Lucifer left with the other dukes and Kyree's family, leaving the demon alone with Saige and Ambrose.

Kyree, with one arm on the waist of Ambrose, turned to look at his daughter. She looked less frail, her body filled out slightly more with toned muscles. Her hair had grown somewhat and the mark Kyree had given her over her heart was framed with black and red flowers that had been tattooed onto her pale skin. Kyree held out a hand to his daughter, a broad smile on his lips for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Come here," Kyree encouraged, cradling his daughter as she wrapped her arms tight around his neck, "you have flourished, my dear," Kyree murmured against her hair, his grin widening when he noticed Ambrose also had a hand on Saige's back.

"I missed you so much," she breathed, looking up at Kyree with tear-stained cheeks.

"I missed you too, my dear, I wish I could have been with you in your first few days. Although, it does seem Ambrose has taken good care of you," Kyree glanced at his lover, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, "thank you."

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