Chapter 9

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When Kyree managed to force his eyes open, he was no longer in the condo with Ambrose and his guards. In fact, he had no idea where he was. His gaze scanned the area, searching for any discernible features. None. Nothing. He was still unsure of where he had appeared.

"Ambrose?" Kyree called out, his voice echoing through the stagnant air. Wind whipped around him on the cliff edge, blanketing him in the cold. The sea battered the rocks below, it's movements aggressive, reminding Kyree of his own nature.

"Hello, Kyree," that voice, Kyree knew that voice, that was the one voice that made his heart stop with every word. A voice he never thought he would get to hear again. He didn't dare look toward the origin of the voice, didn't want the source to disappear.

"It's OK, bunny," a twinge of sorrow struck Kyree, he hadn't been called bunny for a long time, "you can look at me," slowly he turned his head, attempting to blink away the tears welling in his eyes. He didn't manage to quell all the tears, for one did fall when he saw a face he had so dearly missed. His sandy brown hair falling out of place over his pale, freckled face, almost covering those piercing green eyes.

"Oh, bunny," his brows drew into a frown, something Kyree had always found adorable.

"Alexander?" Kyree whispered, his lip quivering as he tried so desperately to contain the waterfall of emotions consuming him.

"Who else would it be, bunny?" as Alexander smiled that beautiful smile, Kyree broke down, tears trickling down his cheeks at a steady pace, "hey, stop crying. What happened to my big, bad, scary demon?" Alexander cupped Kyree's cheeks, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Kyree instantly gripped Alexander's waist, pulling him flush against his body as he buried his face in his shoulder, inhaling that musty, flowery scent.

"Bunny, you gotta get a hold of yourself," Alexander spoke cheerfully, his hand absently trailing through Kyree's brunette locks, "I don't want you wasting the rest of your life missing me," Kyree chuckled bitterly, lifting his head to see those beautiful eyes again.

"What life, Lex? If you're here, I'm clearly dead."

"You're not dead, bunny," Alexander's lips dropped to a less vibrant smile, a softer one, more compassionate, "dying, maybe, but not dead. And you're not gonna die for a long while, you're needed for something very important. You and that prince," at the mention of Ambrose, Kyree suddenly felt very conflicted, "he's very handsome, you always did pick attractive men, bunny. You like him, don't you?" Kyree shrugged, averting his eyes to the ground, "you're allowed to like him. It's not cheating, I'm dead."

"I don't know, Lex, after what happened to you, I don't really remember much about love," Alexander lifted Kyree's head, forcing him to make eye contact.

"Of course you do, bunny, give yourself some credit. You always were an amazing lover. You're kind, compassionate, great in bed. You haven't lost the ability to do any of that, bunny, it might just be a little muddled up in that mind of yours."

"Lex, I don't wanna hurt him."
"Bunny, you lost control once, OK? Once. Let him into your heart, let go of me. You deserve happiness and that prince can give it to you. If anyone can tame you, it's him," the sun illuminating the two men began to grow, almost blinding Kyree, "we're out of time, bunny, remember I love you. Stop loving me and give that prince a chance," panic swelled in Kyree as he felt the cliff receding behind him, huge chunks of rock falling into the sea below.

"I don't wanna leave you, Lex, please, let me stay," Alexander chuckled softly, the sound washing away all pain in Kyree.

"Bunny, you can't stay here. You have a prince to get back to. Keep dreaming about me, just not my death," Alexander pressed a soft kiss on Kyree's lips just as the rock behind him crumbled. Kyree tried to grasp Alexander's shirt, but his hands merely slipped through it and he fell.

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