"It's June," the woman whispered, her body trembling as well.

"So I'm a little early," Kyree shrugged, fixing his eyes on a spot of paint flaking off the wall opposite him. It couldn't have been longer than 5 minutes until the woman told Kyree, in a very small voice, that he could enter Lander Maine's office.

"Good Lord!" Lander gasped in his gruff voice as Kyree entered the room, locking the door behind him.

"Lander Maine?" the man gave a short nod in response to Kyree, "wonderful," Kyree allowed the small knife he had hidden up his sleeve to drop down into his palm.

"What are you doing? You'll never get out of here, I have security swarming the building," Lander tried to bargain with his life, backing up against the wall as Kyree moved right in front of him.

"I have my ways," Kyree allowed the darkness to flood back into his eyes, making Lander's skin go pale as a sheet.

"I've done nothing wrong. On what grounds are you-"

"Lawyer talk won't work, Mr Maine. Does the name Saige Harrison ring a bell?" Lander grimaced, all the response Kyree needed, "you creatures are truly disgusting. You call us savage and impure yet it is you who truly deserves hellfire and the devil's wrath," Kyree drove the knife into Lander's torso, covering his mouth so the blood-curdling scream could not alert anyone to his actions. With very little effort, Kyree pushed the blade down through Lander's thick flesh, layers of fat and tendons cutting like butter with the demon's strength. It didn't take very long for Lander to cease struggling and the hand Kyree had clamped over his lips was of no use anymore.

Kyree's body had been mostly holding together the deep laceration down Lander's plump torso so when he stepped back he wasn't surprised to see Lander's insides spill out onto the floor. Lander's corpse landed in the pile of blood and entrails at his feet with a soft kind of 'splat' sound. It almost made Kyree laugh, but that truly would have been demonic.

"I truly am sorry," Kyree muttered as he collected the pieces of shattered glass up off the tiled floor, "I should have knocked or something. You obviously wouldn't be used to me appearing like that," Saige laugh lightly, holding out a bag for Kyree to put the glass in that she had so carelessly dropped when he materialised soaked in blood in her kitchen.

"It's fine, it's just a glass. No big deal. I wasn't expecting you to be so bloody, that's all," Kyree chuckled as he rose to his feet.

"Is that offer of a shower and clean clothes still on the table?" Saige tied the bag handles together and placed it on the counter.

"Of course," she led Kyree to the bathroom, taking a towel out of one of the cupboards, "my brother's old room is opposite, just pick anything from there that fits. He was a lot smaller than you," with a small smile, Saige exited the bathroom, closing the door gently behind her.

Kyree rested his head on the cool tiles lining the bathroom walls as the steaming water hit his tense shoulders. The events of the night had left him craving something, something he hadn't craved in a long while. He felt very alone, empty even, as he stood in the shower.

His body ached, his healing process still not working at full speed due to the bullet he took for Ambrose weeks ago. Simply thinking of Ambrose awoke Kyree's lust, at the rate he was going, he would have to turn the water much colder to surfice his comfort.

The irritating beeping of his phone roused Kyree from his thoughts. It was almost midnight, who the hell was calling him?

"Hello?" Kyree didn't care about the water on his phone, if it broke he would get another, although he did seem to remember reading something about it being water resistant.

"Well, I was expecting a nicer greeting, baby, but I guess that will do," Ambrose smooth voice drowned out all Kyree's anger with a warm, kinda fuzzy feeling he hadn't felt since Alexander was alive.

"Amb," Kyree breathed, closing his eyes as he rested his head back against the tiles once again.

"Are you in the shower? I can hear running water," Kyree allowed a lazy smile to take over his mouth, Ambrose did always notice the details Kyree wouldn't have even thought about.


"At midnight?" Ambrose asked incredulously.

"I was unclean," Kyree said, chuckling.

"I might be able to spare a few minutes if you would like me to join you," Kyree could easily pick up the seduction in Ambrose's tone. He desperately wanted to say yes, physically aching and throbbing at the thought of it, but he didn't want Ambrose to know about Saige just yet.

"I'm just getting out actually, missed opportunity," Kyree turned off the water, stepping out of the shower.

"Damn, and I had such a boring day too. A shower with you would have been bliss," Kyree smiled, wrapping a towel around his waist with one hand, he could tell Ambrose was pouting, "anyway, I called so late because I only just got out of a stupid meeting regarding my fiance, or lack of one anyway. I debated outing our relationship just to shut up the old coots."

"Surely it can't be that big of a deal," Kyree lowered his voice as he left the bathroom and entered Saige's brother's room. Most things were packed into boxes with labels on them but there was still a lot out untouched. Kyree took one look at Saige's brother's sense of style and grimaced.

"You would think so, but they seem to think it would be a better idea for my father to remain reigning until I find someone else. Like I'm incapable of ruling by myself," during the time it took for Ambrose to formulate two sentences, Kyree had travelled back to his bedroom in Hell, picked out a pair of black sweatpants and a hoodie and returned to Saige's apartment, "baby? You there?"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you. What's your father's opinion?" Kyree queried, realising just how difficult it was to put on a pair of sweatpants with one hand.

"He's on my side, thankfully, but that might just be because he knows about you. If they keep pushing this he'll either have to admit that I'm with you or agree with them."

"So tell them about us, would that truly be so bad? Why do they care so much about your relationships anyway, it won't affect them," Ambrose was quiet for a second and Kyree wondered if the phone had cut out.

"Um, Ky, it will affect them."


"Ky, are you being serious right now?" Ambrose sounded baffled at Kyree's simple question, "whoever I'm with when I'm coronated will rule Hell with me," Kyree froze, every fibre in his body stopping simultaneously.

"What?" he managed to croak out, kicking himself for not thinking of this fact before.

"Ky, when I'm coronated, you will be too. You're gonna be a king."

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