"I don't know, Amb! OK? I don't fucking know!" Kyree hung his head after his outburst, his hands gripping the countertop so hard his knuckles turned white. He didn't want to lose his temper, he couldn't, not with Ambrose anywhere close enough to be caught in the crossfire.

"Ky, please, talk to me," Ambrose rubbed small circles over Kyree's tense shoulders, hoping to aid in relaxing him in some way.

"I told you before, Amb, I don't know how to be with someone anymore. What happened with Alexander broke me, ripped me into so many pieces I'm not sure where to start. I feel... something for you, I just don't know what it is. I'm a danger. I hurt you once, with my temper it's bound to happen again. It's not a question of if, it's when," Kyree felt defeated, weary even.

"Let me help put you back together then," Ambrose said softly, turning Kyree to face him, "I told you before, I just want to help you. Even if you don't want to be with me, I want to help give you the happiness you once had. Tonight, I took it too far and I apologise. I won't try anything until you're better, OK?" Kyree stared up into those beautiful grey-blue eyes, filled with so much empathy for a demon.

"It's not fair for you, Amb, you deserve-"

"What you think I deserve isn't important right now, your sanity is on the line, don't let it snap," Ambrose's lips curled into a faint smile, igniting a warm fuzzy feeling in Kyree's chest.

"OK," Kyree whispered, wrapping his arms around Ambrose's waist and resting his head on his firm chest, "I would like that," the two men remained in that position for a short while, Ambrose cradling Kyree as though he was a child. That was, until Kyree smelt the burning meat.

"Fuck," Kyree sighed, staring down at the blackened steaks in the pan. Ambrose stood close behind Kyree, examining the damage from over his shoulder yet making sure not to overstep his boundaries.

"I'm honestly not that hungry, Ky," Ambrose reassured Kyree as he threw out the steaks, his brows drawn together in a frown.

"Yeah, OK, maybe we'll just order something in a little later. I clearly overstated my cooking skills, you are very distracting," Kyree's confident personality had returned, that glint in his eye twinkling as he glanced toward Ambrose.

"It's nearly midnight, y'know, Ky, maybe we should just go to bed," Ambrose offered, a smile on his lips. Kyree desperately wanted to be held by Ambrose again, to feel the slumber so deep he wouldn't feel tired for days. Yet he wasn't sure if Ambrose meant going to bed together, and he didn't want to force it on him. It still felt odd to him to have to merely sleep with another man in his bed also.

"OK," Kyree strode over to the couch, moving the pillows to one side and unfurling a blanket over it.

"Ky, you expect us both to fit on there? Is there not a bedroom in this place?" Ambrose said, adding a soft chuckle when he saw Kyree looking a little flustered.

"I didn't know if you wanted to- or whether-" Ambrose merely clasped Kyree's hand, following his directions to the bedroom.

"I told you, until you're better I'm your bed buddy," Ambrose stripped down to just his boxers, laying in the large bed and awaiting Kyree to join him. Kyree mirrored Ambrose's actions, laying down next to him and rolling onto his side with his back to Ambrose. Before Kyree had time to remember that Ambrose was comfortable holding him, he felt the demon's arm snake around and rest on his waist.

"Goodnight, Ky," Ambrose whispered, his chest pressed against Kyree's back as he left a short but sweet kiss on Kyree's smooth cheek.

"Goodnight, Amb," Kyree replied, drifting out of consciousness almost immediately, however, not into the peaceful slumber he had yearned for...

"Where is he? He's late," Kyree pushed through the thick crowd of people, scanning every face in search of his lover. He wasn't there. He was almost 20 minutes late and guests were getting restless.

"Father!" Kyree called out as he saw Orion stood with his mother, "father, have you seen him?" panic was rising in Kyree, his heart almost beating out of his chest, sorrow building within him.

"No, son, I'm so sorry," Orion patted his son's shoulder, a gesture that was all he could really do at that time. His mother had a much more sympathetic look on her face, a soft frown of pain knotting her brows.

"Oh, Ky, you didn't deserve this. I thought he truly loved you," Yennifer cupped her child's cheeks, hoping her affection could make up some small part of what he lost with his lover.

"He does love me, mother, have some faith," Kyree snapped, stepping back out of his mother's reach, sick of everyone thinking his lover had left him, "I have to find him, he must have lost track of time," Kyree sped off again, shouldering through the guests who had exited their seats as their patience ran dry, ignoring their tutting and complaining about his rudeness.

"Idella!" Kyree's brother was leaning against the stone wall of the church, his eyes on the ground, "Idella, brother, please tell me you've seen him," Idella had a look of guilt on his face too, but who didn't by that time.

"He went to the human world, Ky, he told me it was to get a surprise for you. Your favourite flowers to put in your suit pocket, I didn't think he would-" Kyree had disappeared before he had chance to hear the rest, appearing under a large oak tree.

Kyree and his lover visited that place often, the cool breeze drifting from the nearby coastline making the air have a salty scent to it. That morning was bright, the sun almost blinding Kyree, forcing him to squint his eyes as he scanned the area for his lover.

There was a figure stood under the oak tree, their body casting a shadow back toward where Kyree was stood. In fact, they looked almost... no, that couldn't be. They looked like they were floating, their feet not quite touching the ground. As Kyree's eyes finally adjusted to the light, he felt as though all the air had been knocked from his lungs. The figure wasn't floating... it was hanging.

"No, no, no," Kyree ran toward the figure, stumbling in the long grass as tears stung his eyes. It couldn't be.

"Please, no, no, no," Kyree begged as he finally saw the face of the corpse. His world rocked, tipped, fell and shattered into a million pieces. His legs gave way beneath him as he stared into the eyes of his lover and he crumbled to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. He wanted to shout, scream, kill. But he just couldn't break his gaze from those eyes that had once been such a vibrant grey-blue yet had faded to a dull almost black.

"No, no, no," Kyree sobbed, his whole body trembling with grief and anger, "please, baby, not you," he whimpered, "please, open your eyes, baby. I can't lose you..."

Kyree awoke abruptly, a sharp gasp all he could manage before his emotions kicked him in the stomach and he fell into hysterics. His entire body shook as he sat up in bed, every muscle rigid in his form. It wasn't long before tears fell over the rim of Kyree's eyes, fear consuming him as he took large, broken breaths.

"Ky, calm down, it's OK, you're OK," Kyree felt Ambrose's sat up awfully close next to him, tugging him into his chest, "it was a dream, Ky, just a dream," Kyree allowed Ambrose to hold him, sobbing softly into his chest. Kyree had had that dream before, yet it had never been so vivid, never felt so real.

"It was- God, I never-" Kyree couldn't finish a sentence, the words jumbling up as they spilt over his lips, hysterics taking control in his mind.

"I know, baby, I know. It's OK, you're OK now," Ambrose pressed kisses into Kyree's mess of brunette locks, holding his trembling body against his own. He too was wracked with worry, his mind moving in overdrive as he tried to process what had just happened. In Kyree's state, Ambrose didn't want to worry him further by confiding that he had woken up seconds earlier from the exact same dream...

A Starless Existence {boyxboy}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora