Finally after the struggles to breath seemed to slow Nickolas moved away from the man, heading slowly for the door; speaking as if to himself but loud enough to be heard clearly. "I hated you before, even after the parents were gone you remained taking her time and affection from us; but this was unacceptable. I will make sure from now on she will want nothing but us and all this will be forgotten, including the scum that made it even plausible... beginning with you; and that begins with removing you and this place from existence" Nickolas opened the door preparing to step out when the strained words reached him. "th ou" Turning he moved closer to the man, grabbing a hand full of hair and dragging the head that lay almost lifelessly down again his chest up into sight; his metallic eyes clashing with the slowly paler one staring in defiance back at him. "Sh-e will ne-ne-ver be ha-ppy wi-th y-ou" Nickolas stared at the man for a moment his eyes seemingly lost in thought before he let go of the hair in his grip, with what little strength that seemed to remain in him the man managed to hold his head up after dropping the slightest way; although it was clear he could not move it even if he wished to. Nickolas's form returning to the door in a slow stream like manner, never stopping or glancing back as he spoke; nothing in his tone but certainty as if making it clear his words were nothing but truth. "Y/N is ours, and she will be happy with her family; it may not be for a month or until she is nursing our children. But she will be happy, she is ours and we will always care for her; she simply needs to be with us again to see it without anyone to poison her mind" With the final word spoke Nickolas shut the door leaving the man to let his head fall, no longer having either the strength or ability to hold up his head in defiance; his thoughts going to the image of the girl he knew so well. Flashes of memories of Y/N and her father... his dearest friend, seeing her changing from the care free child into the considerate and compassionate adult she had grown to be; and the feeling of sorrow filling him. A single tear fell down his face staining a dirty pink as it absorbed blood and dirt on its descent down his face, the final ounce of strength leaving him with it allowing one more thought to flow through his mind before darkness descended; one he wished he could send to her. 'Y/N I couldn't free you... forgive me'

Up the stairs Nickolas came to join the pair by the table, Tina sitting looking over a laptop's screen while Harry stood over her shoulder doing the same; it didn't take long for Nickolas to look at the screen as well seeing the small icon moving closer to the small house highlighted. It didn't take a genius to know the small house was their location and the other icon was a representation of Y/N travelling towards them, and from the motion of it she was moving quickly and she was less than ten minutes travel before she reached the house; standing back Nickolas moved his hand forward snapping the laptop shut. Moving up he looked to the woman gesturing to the front door before turning away heading to the kitchen, being sure to give firm orders as he did; giving nothing away in his tone. "Have everyone clear out, go into town or take a drive I don't care; I want an hour from when Y/N arrives of privacy before you return. Have everything ready to leave to leave for then, I want to be home before morning; no delays" Heading towards the kettle Nickolas began gathering a large tea pot and three cups and saucers, looking through cupboards until he found tea; not bothering to look behind him knowing it was Harry who joined him in the room. "Use the jasmine, it's one of her favourites; she might actually drink it" Nickolas nodded absently putting the tub he had taken back and choosing another which was a slightly smaller, he continued on in silence as he if he hadn't been disturbed; Harry moving to fill a small milk jug and fill a small bowl with some of the sugar cubes he had had brought to the house ignoring the loose sugar available. Letting Harry place them on the table he moved the now ready pot and three empty cups along with it one by one, both completing the task in silence a small smile on their faces; until finally the table was set for three complete with a small plate of biscuits. Neither men took a seat instead Nickolas took a place close by his hands behind his back as he patiently watched the door; Harry hovering close by the entrance his eyes glued on the structure as they waited for the moment they have both anticipated for far too long.

Insanity of Possession ( Yandere x  Reader x Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now