“Yeah, I guess so, thanks for today, I really needed it.” Zayn said looking at her, not quite wanting to leave yet. 

“Thanks for the coffee,” Kate raised her coffee grinning. “And for helping me today, it was really nice of you. Thank you.”

“Can I see you again?”

Kate faltered putting her purse on her shoulder at hearing Zayn’s words.  “Um, yes? I mean, I would love that.”

A slow grin spread over Zayn’s face.  “Then can I consider you a friend?”

Kate couldn’t help but inwardly grimace at “friend”, but who was she kidding.  She closed her eyes briefly, opening them back up to smile at Zayn.  “As long as I can do the same.”


Later that evening, Zayn found himself on a red eye Jet Blue flight from LAX to New York with his mates, on their way to collect Harry Styles. 

He stayed conscious for maybe twenty minutes after the flight took off, but quickly dozed off soon after. 

Events of the day replayed in his mind as he slept.  His dreams began to center around the hazel eyed blonde that he had found a kindred soul in.  Someone that he was utterly comfortable being himself with.


Zayn wearily got off the airplane with his mates, he flipped his hood up over his head to block out the  blinding light that was morning. 

“Okay, someone call Hope while I call Harry,” Liam said sternly, his cell phone already out. 

“I’ll do it!” Niall said taking his cell phone out, getting Hope’s contact that Louis originally stole from Harry, and then the other boys took from Louis.

“I want to call Hope!” Louis said too late as Niall was already calling. 

Zayn yawned trying to wake up.  He rubbed his eyes as he watched his mates.  Liam was looking rather flexed as he ranted at Harry.  Niall was trying to keep Louis from taking his cell phone to talk to Hope, and Louis was of course pestering Niall to get what he wanted, the phone.  Zayn scratched his head, yawning again. 


“Hope will be here in half an hour.” Niall announced happily. 

Liam nodded grateful to him.

“What do we do until then?” Zayn asked, barely finishing his sentence when Louis shouted Duty Free. 

“Wait Louis, Louis!” Liam said but Louis was already half way there.

“They have to have food right?” Niall muttered following him.  

Liam facepalmed before sharing a look with Zayn.  The two sighed then followed Louis and Niall. 

“Look at these!” Louis pointed as he found one of the iconic green foam Statue of Liberty hats.  He immediately put it on his head, before sauntering to a mirror.  Niall burst into laughter but immediately grabbed one for himself and joining Louis. 

Zayn avoided looking at them, going to another aisle by himself.

 He found himself standing in front of the post card stand.  Having nothing else better to do, Zayn began to thumb through them.  As he stumbled on one old black and white post card of New York in the early twentieth century, he stopped.  As he looked at it, Kate immediately came to mind.  Zayn bit his lip as he tapped the post card against his open palm.

He debated, almost putting it back, but pulled the post card back just as he heard Louis and Niall make their purchase.  Throwing caution to the wind, Zayn walked to the cashier with his post card in hand. 


Kate flipped her hair over, quickly pulling it into a messy bun. She sighed looking out of the window where once again, the Bay Area was full of fog.  She wrinkled her nose before getting up off her couch, placing her book on the coffee table beside her, the light comforter she’d been using, fell to the ground, pooling around her freshly painted pink toes. 

Deciding now was the best time if any, before it began to rain, Kate quickly pulled on a pair of sandals, walking down her apartment to the mailbox. 

Kate pulled the mail box flag down as she opened it.  As soon as she closed it, she could feel a tiny raindrop on her arm.  Kate looked up wearily before making a run back to her apartment. 


Kate shuffled through the mail, dividing the ones that were hers and her roommates.  She paused when she found a black and white post card.  Kate immediately turned it over, taking in the amethyst colored ink.   Her eyes widened as she saw who it was from.

Dear Kate,

That really sounds formal doesn’t it? This may also seem strange as we’ve only met thrice now. However, I just saw this post card at the Duty Free store when in New York and I immediately thought of you and that ridiculously large camera you carry around.

Kate closed her eyes as she gave a small laugh.

You also said that you liked Snail Mail, so I thought that more than anyone else you would appreciate it. The picture’s right up your alley, I think it captures the essence of a moment in New York and what made it into what it is today. This is a bit awkward as I am writing this hiding out in Hope’s room, which will also explain why this is in purple ink, it’s the only one I see out, and I don’t want to snoop through her room. I just wanted to mark this as our first communication as friends.  My address is below if you want to continue our correspondence this way. If not, I understand that you will be busy with your classes at Berkley in the fall.


Kate blinked once, twice, then a third time.  She read the whole note once more. Putting the rest of the mail on the coffee table, Kate went to her room to get her stationary.

Sitting down at her desk, Kate read the letter once more, a soft happy smile on her lips.  She took out her own pen, choosing a spring green color to write her own letter in. 

Dear Zayn,

Kate bit her lip, tapping her pen against her lips, trying to find the perfect words to respond to the completely unsuspecting but absolutely sweet post card. 


Thanks so much guys for all your support! You guys are seriously the best fans ever! Hope you liked this latest chapter!

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