|Chapter 46| Stop The Sand Village!

Comincia dall'inizio


"Hurry Aiko we can't let him get away. Not again." said Yuki then Kankuro stopped and looked at them. "Aren't you tired of running?" said Yuki and he grinned. "Not a single bit." which made her to glare then she raised her katana and as she was about to charge at him Sasuke's ninja stars came and she moved then turned around and there he was. "So you caught up to us. Nothing less expected from an Uchiha." said Yuki with a grin as he grinned too.

"I can take you two on. No problem." said Kankuro. "Don't you mean three?" grinned Yuki and Aiko snarled at him then she looked at Sasuke. "Did you defeat Temari?" she said and he nodded. "She was easy to defeat. And I have still enough chakra." he said and she rolled her eyes. "That's great because you should be prepared. When Gaara wakes up he will try to kill you." she said. "I'm prepared as I will ever be." he grinned and she chuckled.

"You always save the best for the last. I'm not surprised." she said with her arms crossed as Aiko grinned. Meanwhile Naruto and the others were still jumping around in the forest looking for Sasuke and Yuki as Naru yawned. "There it is." said Pakkun. "What? Someone's schampoo?" said Naru while he rolled his eyes and Pakkun stared at him.

"No! I smell Sasuke and Yuki. They aren't alone, because I can smell others with them. They must have caught up to them." he said and Naru smiled. "Alright!" he said and Sakura smiled too. "They have stopped moving, but they could have a fight." he said. Yuki be careful. "We should hurry!" he said then looked around.

"I can smell more people. Looks like we aren't the only ones looking for Sasuke and Yuki." said the dog. "Really? Where?" asked Naru. "Who is it? Friend or Foe?" asked Sakura and he was in thoughts. "I don't know but-" he said. "But what?" asked Naru. "It's not a human." he said and they stopped on their tracks.

Kankuro stood up as Sasu and Yuki looked at him. "Temari. You take Gaara and go on ahead." he said and she stared at him. "Get moving!!" he scolded at her and she still looked at him when he sighed. "Hurry up!" he told her and finally she shook her head then said: "Alright." and left. "Okay Uchiha! I think it's time for you to fight with someone your own size." said Kankuro and Yuki rolled her eyes.

"And when I'm done with you, I'll finish Yuki with one move!" he said and she chuckled. "Woah. I'm so scared. What makes you think you can beat the now red haired girl who has an sharp katana." she said and he growled. "Tch. Whatever you say." he said when: "Hold on!" said someone and they turned around to see Shino standing there.

"It was about time." said Yuki and her wolf looked at her. "I got dibs on him first Sasuke." he said and Kankuro stared at him. "What do you want?" he said. "Shino. How did you find us?" asked Sasu and he looked at him. "I planted a beetle on you as you left the arena. A female beetle. She gives out a faint scent." he said and pointed on him.

"I'm impressed." said Yuki with a grin and Kankuro panicked as he saw many. "Sasuke Uchiha. You are after Gaara because you have unfinished business with him, right? Well I have the same with Kankuro." he said to him and Sasu chuckled.

"Our match didn't even get started. He is mine. Leave it to me and go." he said and Yuki chuckled. "Well alright then if you are sure you are okay then." said Sasu. "Don't worry. Give me 10 minutes and I will come to see if you two are okay." he said and Sasu grinned. "Don't waste your time by then my work will be done too." said Sasu then left and Yuki followed him when they vanished then ran after Temari.


Same as always the others were still jumping as rabbits to catch up Yuki and Sasu when Pakkun stopped. "Oh no." he said and Sakura stopped too. "What's wrong?" she asked and Naru looked at them. "Hey. why did we stop again...Aaah!" said Naru then crashed into a tree. "Aaow!" he yelled. "Well Sasuke and Yuki. And someone else I think they are chasing right now is moving. But two others aren't." he said and Naru sighed. "Who cares about those last two people?! We need to catch up with Yuki and Sasuke!" he said.

"Then we have to take another way, because we don't want to get involved in their fight now, do we?" he said and they nodded. "Right!" said Sakura and Naru sighed more. "Fine..." he said and they continued their long mission. It feels like we are coming nowhere at this pace?! thought Naru.

Yuki and Sasu followed Temari as Yuki looked at him. "Hey. I'm being serious. Gaara will be really pissed so don't go and die, alright? Not that I care or anything." she said and he sighed. "Fine. Whatever." he said afterwards and she rolled her eyes then stopped to see Gaara standing on a branch as he looked at Sasuke. "I don't know what your guys plan is, but whatever it is we will stop it. Besides I'm dying to see what you really are." said Sasuke and Yuki looked at Gaara, who's face started to crack.

If he keeps up with this, Shahaku will eventually be realeased. And none of us wants that to happen or atleast I don't! thought Yuki

//To be continued...//

𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘐𝘯 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘰 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥  | 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 1|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora