Loki and Egil followed the swede to a pastel shop, Bernard Placed the female down and walked in.
"OLLIE! We need some cupcakes!", the swede exclaimed.
A pale man ran from the back, "oh! Of course!"
the man was petite and had pinkish strawberry blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and freckles.
His clothes were all pastel colored, a white shirt, pink vest, baby blue bow tie  that matched his eyes, tan pants, and shiny black shoes.
"Who is this sweet poppet?", The man or 'Ollie' Asked in reference to (y/n).
"Ollie, this is my sister.", Loki asnswered, "our sister."
"She is just darling!", The pastel man squealed in a British accent.
The silver haired female covered her ears when a familiar American walked out from the back, "Oh for Fucks sake."
"Allen, swear jar. Now.", Ollie ordered and pointed to a jar covered in stickers that had money in it.
The tanned man sighed and dropped some money in.
Another male poked his head out from the back too, he looked similar in the face to allen.
He was taller than Allen with long blond hair that had a curl looping out front, tired violet eyes, and a flannel shirt on.
"So that's the girl who beat you allen? Nice.", the male commented and went back.

Ollie skipped up to the front counter, "pick whatever flavor you want poppet, Loki is a friend of mine."
(Y/n) looked at the selection of cupcakes on display and chose her favorite one, "that one please."
the pastel man got the cupcake for her and Loki paid for it, "Happy birthday kanin."
He placed a burned hand oh the female's head.
Bernard was keeping himself between (y/n) and Allen, the glare locked between the two males sparked with conflict.
The female nibbled the cupcake as Loki talked to Ollie, Egil was watching his sister as Bernard and Allen started making rude gestures at each other.
"Is it good?", The Icelander asked his sister.
(Y/n) nodded and bit into the cupcake again, she got a bit of icing on her cheek and nose.
Loki and Ollie had to separate Allen and Bernard before they got into a fight.
Allen limped back into the back as Bernard was sat down next to the silver haired female.
"Allen has been especially moody after your sister beat him.", The pastel brit said, "he keeps saying that he won't be bested by a girl."

"He better suck it up and accept defeat.", Egil responded flatly and kissed the icing off of (y/n)'s cheek.
The silver haired female finished her cupcake and thanked Ollie for the treat.
The male smiled and told the four goodbye as they left, the American and the blond in the back watched them leave.
"Bernard, you have to stop becoming like Thurston.", Loki said to his older sibling.
"I can't help that he's rubbing off on me.", Bernard replied, "I'm rubbing off on him too."
"That's a scary thought.", (y/n) spoke and cut her eyes at Bernard.
"Oh odin.", Egil sighed, "that is a frightening thought."
The large swede Picked up the female again, "But today is about you~ So let's go have some more fun."
"More? You mean you have been having fun?", The female deadpanned.
"You havent?", the Icelandic male whined, "we've failed!"
"Stop whining.", The Norwegian scolded the icelander, "we still have daylight. We can still have fun."

The three took their sister to an amusement park, the riding of rides began.
(Y/n) was forced to ride rides she did not really like, she was gripping onto her brothers for safety.
Loki and Bernard was bruised from her gripping them so hard, Egil was busy playing games.
The silver haired female got off the roller coaster and dropped to the ground, "I'd be safer with Thurston"
"Oh come on and have fun.", Loki laughed and picked her up, "we have not gotten to the exciting ones yet."
The teen girl had tears in her eyes, "I'm gonna die."
"Maybe we should take a break?", Bernard asked, "Thurston is going to take it out on us if she gets sick or something."
The burned male Held onto (y/n) and carried her to a rest area, the female's cheeks seemed to be a bit green as she held onto the older man.
Loki set her onto a bench, "I think I'll get you some ginger ale."
the burned man walked to a nearby vendor to ask for the beverage as Bernard kept a lookout over their sister.
Egil skipped back with some toys in his arms, "Blóm! I won some toys!"
The silver haired female was laying on a bench with her head on Bernard's lap, "that's nice Stóri bróðir."

"Are you okay litla systir?", Egil asked and kneeled next to her, "you look sick."
Bernard petted the Silver haired woman's head, Loki walked back with some ginger ale.
The burned man held the bottle up for (y/n) to drink, "do you want to walk around a bit?"
The silver haired Female made a groan sound and sipped the drink before laying back on the swede.
The Icelander sat next to the female, "I'll look after her, you can go on more rides."
Bernard got up and let Egil sit before laying (y/n) on him, "be good Älskling."
Loki gave the icelander the ginger ale, "take care of her."
"Já I will.", Egil said and the two older males walked off to enjoy themselves more.
The platinum haired icelander petted the Female's head, his cool touch through the black satin gloves felt nice to the albino.
"Stóri bróðir.", (y/n) whined softly and hugged the male's waist, "I don't feel good."
Egil smiled sympathetically, "they really made you ride all of those scary rides huh?"
The silver haired female nodded and took another sip of the drink.
The platinum haired Icelander sat and petted his sister's head to soothe her nausea, "rest Sweet systir. Everything will be okay."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and let herself  be taken care of by her brother, the Young man was quite gentle with the ill female.

Egil sat with (y/n)'s head in his lap, his hand petting her head and stroking down her back.
"Systir, I have to use the restroom. Promise to stay here?", he asked.
The silver haired female nodded and sat up, the icelander kissed her head and went to the restrooms.
The Scandinavian teen looked around at the park and lay back down, she was still dizzy and nauseous.
Her eyes closed and she still felt like she was spinning.
She felt a hand on her hip and slapped it off of her, "Go away."
A male voice she did not recognize chuckled, "vell, jou are alive frau."
(Y/n) opened one red-violet eye to see a pair of pinkish violet eyes looking at her hungrily.
He was a buff man with blonde hair, a scar under his left eye, scars on his arm, and a military training uniform on.
"Stop looking at me like that or will kick your ass.", the female said and closed her eye again.
"Und how do jou zhink jou vill accomplish zhat?", the man asked.
(Y/n) kept her eyes closed but used the bottle of ginger ale to smack the male over the head, "like that."
The blond man was knocked back by the blow, "ow! Zhat hurt."

The female opened her eye to see the man holding a bleeding place on his head, "Jou cracked my skull!"
"Go away or I'll do it again.", (y/n) replied and closed her eye again.
She felt herself being picked up, the man had her.
"Put me the hell down.", The female demanded as the perv man groped her rear.
(Y/n) screamed out for assistance and the man put his hand over her mouth, "Jou listen to me now."
The silver haired female wished she had her magic, or at least her stave.
The blonde male gripped her hard and started to walk off when an icy chill came over him.
"Lutz. Put her down now or I'll have to tear you limb from limb.", The terrifying threatening voice of Egil was almost angelic to (y/n)
the German man denied the order and put a knife up to the female's throat, Egil did not seem to be thwarted by this threat.

"I repeat. Let. Her. Go.", Egil said in a dangerously low tone.
(Y/n) felt a warm trickle of blood from her neck as the man pushed the knife against her throat.
The sight of red on the smooth alabaster skin made the Icelandic male mad, "you made her bleed. Your turn to bleed."
The siver haired girl did not see anything but heard a pained scream and tearing flesh, the arms of the man went limp.
Egil quickly pulled her away and covered her eyes, "don't look my sweet systir, I won't let his disgusting being pollute you."
Loki and Bernard came back in time to see Egil save their sister, the Norwegian kissed his sister's head and the Swede licked the blood from her skin.
People were in terror and running to get away from the males.
"We should go.", Loki said and picked up the Female.
Bernard used his tie to blindfold the girl, "for your safety lillasyster."

Egil looked back at his work, he had skewered Lutz on an ice spike, the ice impaled the man upwards through his torso and out of his mouth.
The clean ice ws staining red and dripping blood, pain and terror was seen in the dead eyes if the impaled German.
The icelander turned back to his siblings, "time to face the music."
Loki sighed and nodded as (y/n) was fighting against Bernard to take off the blindfold.
The Norwegian transported them home.
Thurston rammed his gun into Loki's head, "Drop her."
The burned male placed the female down, the silver haired girl ducked under The Finnish male's arm and ran for her room.
Bernard threw the toys Egil won at Thurston, "Hey! It is lillasyster's birthday!"
The Crimson eyed man glared at the blood eyed swede, the ginger swede gulped.
"You shut the hell up. I AM aware.", The Finn growled, "I'm pissed because you three fuckers took her outside the base without permission."
"Shit.", Loki cursed.

Stop following me. (second spinoff of never leave you alone)Where stories live. Discover now