Go From Here

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Hi Guys! I'm Sydney's Bestfriend Char6202 who is writing this chapter for her it is the last chapter and we both came up with this ending. It's a little bit emotional so if your not good with that I'm sorry. you probably won't cry but let's just get on with the show.

Elliot's P.O.V

It's been a couple of years now and it's time for me and Avril to set out.

Avril got a record deal with a man named L.A.

She went NYC and sang for him. Avril is 17 and has changed her last name and made it her stage name.

Her stage name is Avril Lavigne.

I got excepted into Yale and have cured all my illnesses. I'm jus a normal girl now.

I also started making youtube videos taking after my dad.

Like very other collab channels o2l is over and they are all still living togeher like a family.

Avril's P.O.V

I was going to set out and follow my dreams today.

Sam was most proud of me. Trevor was coming on tour with me.

I over came depression. I'm stronger now than I ever was before.

Now here came all the goodbyes.

Elliot's P.o.v

I went straight to Connor as my bus pulled up for Yale.

"I'm gonna miss you but I will visit every holiday and whenever I get a chance." I said.

"Good I'm gonna miss you." He said.

"Goodbye Daddy." I said.

"Don't say goodbye, say see ya later because saying goodbye means going away forever and I want to see you again." Daddy said looking straight into my eyes.

I said goodbye to the rest.

Then I had to say goodbye to Avril.

"I'm gonna miss you. thanks for taking care of me all these years. I love you so much. I love you avril. Goodluck on your tour and call me everyday."

"Got it. I love you little sis."

"I love you too."

Then we finnally had one last group hug.

We held each-other in our arms. Then we all went our separate ways.

I love my family. Through all the ups and downs they are my loves forever and always.

Connor's P.O.V

I'm so proud of my little girls.

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