Chapter 14

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Elliot's POV

Everyone was split into sides, the people who like that Avril and Hayes were dating and the ones that didn't. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." And let me tell you, our house is falling apart (I had to look up the end of that quote.😆) I've been avoiding everyone on the other side all day today. I know what you're thinking, "Connor can break them up, he is the dad." All Connor wants is for everyone to be happy and he would be breaking that promise. On the other hand he's breaking that promise right now. Hypocrite. I'm pissed off at everyone right now so I went for a ride. I stole Ghost from Kian and got Darwin's leash. I don't really know how to penny board so Darwin was going to run while I just rode. I'm lazy okay?!

When we got tired we went home. I heard Kian yelling about not being able to find something. Huh, weird. I ran to his room and placed Ghost in plain sight. Me and Darwin ran upstairs without anyone looking. I'm guessing boys have a very short memory because everyone seemed to completely forget about Darwin. Stupid boys. So now I'm back to hiding him, again. I plopped down on my bed. Wow, being too lazy to learn how to penny board is exhausting. I told Darwin to go in his spot while I went downstairs. Half of the people in the house were ignoring me, and I am sick of it. I sat on the couch and thought about how I could settle this once and for all.

Avril's POV

It was getting really annoying with this whole argument. Everyone was ignoring each other and when they weren't doing that they were fighting. The worst part is that is was all because of me. I knew what I had to do. I had to break up with Hayes. I walked up to Hayes and said, "Hayes, this isn't gonna work out if everyone's fighting. I gonna have to break up with you. But just know, just because I broke up with you doesn't mean I don't still care about you." He smiled and said, "I understand." We hugged and I left to go tell Elliot, who was the most shaken by this. "Elliot, I know you don't like that me and Hayes are dating, or should I say were dating." I said. "Wait, you broke up with him?! But I was gonna say you guys could date! I guess its better this way because I didn't really get any permission from anyone else but me." she said giggling at the end. We walked into the living room where everyone was sitting glaring at each other. "Here ye! Here ye!" Elliot yelled. "I have a very important message I need to deliver! Me and Hayes are no longer a couple! To those who disliked our relationship, be happy. And those who liked it, there's plenty of fish in the sea." I yelled trying to sound all proper. Everyone clapped for some weird reason. Well now that this is settled, time to plan my birthday.

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