Chapter 11

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Elliot's POV

A few hours later they took me home. Great timing guys. Taking me home after 3 hours of tests and examinations, great idea. If you didn't notice that was pure sarcasm. Anyway, I guess the boys wanted to celebrate my operation so they threw a "little party." They invited lots of people and some weren't even from California. Like Jc invited 4 people named Ricardo, Nash, Cameron and Hayes. And Ricky invited his friend Shelby. There were like 25 people in our house. While I was trying to avoid everyone Avril and Hayes really seemed to hit it off. I didn't like this Hayes kid. He seemed fishy, like he was a player or something. He also kinda looked like a monkey. I like monkeys. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! Okay, back to the story. I looked at the time and it was already 11:30 (pass my bedtime OH MY GOD)! I'm sorta a goodie goodie so I was surprised that it was so late, for me at least. I looked for someone I knew but everybody was having too much fun. I ran up to my room and hid under my covers. I screamed into my pillow to get my anger out. Just then, Darwin popped out and jumped on the bed. We went back under the covers and hid. Wait a minute, Avril has a phone. I think I know how to break this party up.

Sorry this chapter was REALLY short. Comment below some ideas! Thx guys!💖

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