Chapter 21

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[Your POV]
I woke up to Ben, smiling and shaking me. "What?" I asked, taking my head off of his shoulder. "We're landing now, did you rest okay?" he asked. I nodded. I stretched a little and woke up George. "We're almost there, Bud," I smiled. He woke up and sat up in his seat, stretching, as well. "Jeremy, Ariel, are you guys up?" I asked. "Yeah, and we're landing right now, hold on tight!" he said, clutching his seat.

"Hold on, Ben!" I laughed softly as I hugged him. We felt the plane fly forward, causing us to scoot forward, as well. He hugged back, giving me a kiss on the lips. I kissed back, never wanting to let go. We had to because of air and the fact that George was recording. "George!" I blushed, and hit the camera out of his hand. He laughed. "Calm down, I'm not posting," he exclaimed as we got off of the plane.

"Where's our stuff?" I ask as soon as we get inside the Dallas airport. "I see it, I got it," Ben said, going over to our stuff and grabbing it. He handed my bags to me. "Thanks," I smile, and give him a peck on the lips.

"Aye, there's the R8 and the Mercedes!" George exclaimed once we got outside. I put my stuff in the back of Ariel's car, and Ben did the same. Ariel put his stuff in the back with ours and started the car, driving off to Nathan's house, George driving at his side.

"Welp, here we are. The house hasn't changed a bit," I said softly. Ariel put the car in park and took the key out of the ignition. He got out stuff out of the back and handed it to us. He grabbed his stuff, too. He locked the Mercedes up with the key and went over to George and Jeremy, Lucy by George's side.

"Hey, you're finally here!" Nathan exclaimed as we set our things down on the floor. "Nathan!" I said, giving him a hug. He picked me up and twirled me around in his arms, hugging me. He put me down. "You haven't changed a bit," he smiled. "Nope! I'm not willing to, either!" I laughed. He turned his attention to the boys and I went to go find Kayla.

"Come in," I here Kayla say from the other side of the door to her room. "Is kayco in here?" I laugh, and she immediately puts her phone down, coming over and tackling me in a hug. "OMG, it's my sister!" she squealed. "Already here?" "Yup, and I'm like the sister you never had," I replied. "Did you say hi to Nathan?" she asked, and I nodded.

"He's talking to the boys that came with me," I say, rolling my eyes playfully. "I'm so happy you're here, it's hard not having another girl to talk to besides my other non-sister, Brianna," she said, hugging me again. "Good news, though! Guess who's staying in Texas for a bit with you?" I shrugged.

"Emma and Andrew!!" she said, giving me jazz hands. "Oh. My. Gosh. You can't be serious!!" She nodded. "They got off of the plane this morning and they're out in the city right now, enjoying the lights of the city at night," she explained.

"When are they coming home?! I wanna see them!!!!" I squealed. "I know, I know. They said they'd be home around 12am, can you wait that long? I can call them and ask them to come home or I can call them and tell them that you're here," she suggested. "Yeah, call them!!!" I squealed, and she did so.

"Okay, bye, Em," she said, hanging up. "They're coming home now, and we can all have a sleepover in my room!!!" she squealed. I did, too, until George knocked on the door and asked us to come into the living room to hang out. We accepted and walked into the living room, and there I saw Lucy, Simon and Simba, playing together. Kayla and I sat down together on the couch, scrolling through our phones.

[Time Skip]

A while later, I heard the door open and close back. I looked up from my phone and there stood Emma and Andrew, looking straight at me. I put my phone down and ran to them in front of everyone in the living room. "I missed you guys!!!!" I squeal as Andrew picks me up and twirls me around, hugging me.

"I missed you, too!" Andrew said, putting me down. I went over to Emma and gave her the biggest girl-to-girl hug in the United States. "Me too!!!!" she squealed. "When I got the news that you were here, I drove the GTR myself back home, and Andrew would never let me do that." "I didn't this time," he glared. He laughed and went over to talk to the others.

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