Chapter 13 : (Y/N)

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After Cyclone and I had our make out session, we collapsed onto my bed. "That was amazing," said Cyclone, out of breath. I nodded and blushed. "That felt sooo good," I groaned. He smiled and started to kiss me again. I kissed back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed back harder.

I moaned and Ben seemed to enjoy it. I broke apart for oxygen and stood up. Ben smiled and stood up. We went back downstairs and I did something I've never done before. "Guess who's back together with Cyclone?" I announced. Moose came over and hugged me.

"That's great, (Y/N)! If he ever mistreats you again, your big brother figure has got your back!" Moose glared at Ben and Ben laughed nervously. "No joke, he's been giving me death stares during our break the whole time..." I laughed and Ariel came in and shot me with a Nerf gun. "Oh, it is on!" I yelled.

I got a Nerf gun, got on Cyclone's back, and he ran up the stairs after Ariel. Full on Nerf war starts now! Moose was with Lucy, Jeremy was with Ariel, and I was with Ben. I felt a bullet hit my back. I turn around and saw Moose and Lucy. "Retreat!" he yelled. I saw Ariel shooting at Moose and Jeremy doing the same. Now was our chance!

I quickly reloaded my gun and started shootings at Moose, Ariel and Jeremy. Lucy barked and Ben laughed. Everyone started charging at us. I did a summersault and hid behind the couch for cover. It was a big mess. Moose found me and threw me over his shoulder. "Moose!" I yelled. "Put meh down!!" "NOPE!" He yelled.

I kicked his shin and he let me go. I ran upstairs and hid from Jeremy and Ariel. They came upstairs. The only thing I could do now was jump of the railing. There was an air mattress under me, so I jumped and expected to fall onto the air mattress. I felt something else. Arms holding me and warm lips on mine. Cyclone. Of course.

I kissed back and continued to shoot at Ariel and Jeremy. Moose came over and picked me up. He put me on his shoulders and I felt so high. We went outside and played some basketball. I guess no one won the war. Oh well. So it was me, Moose and Ben against Ariel, Jeremy and Lucy. We played for a while until Jeremy called us for dinner. We had some pizza. It was the best!

Later that night, I did my night routine and started up Minecraft. Ben joined and we had a blast. When we finished up, it was 10:00 at night. I decided to go to bed. I crawled into bed and turned out the light. Ben was right beside me without me knowing it. I snuggled closer to his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We soon fell asleep, dreaming of the awesome day we had.

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