Chapter 2 : (Y/N)

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The next day, we decided to go out on the canal in the giant flamingo. I put on my swimsuit and George put me on a life vest. Everyone was coming. Cyclone, George, Ariel, Jeremy and Lucy. We packed the cooler with water and set out for the day. "George, do your backflip!" yelled Jeremy.

"No way!" he replied. "I'm not getting the camera wet!" "I'll do it!" I yelled, standing on the side of the flamingo. I jumped and back flipped into the water. The boys watched in amazement. I hoisted myself back onto the flamingo. Lucy wagged her tail, hitting George in the face. He laughed.

"Wow, (Y/N), that was awesome!" Ariel exclaimed, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and took the camera off of George. I pushed him into the water with me, pulling Ben's arm to get him in the water, as well. They came up to the surface and laughed. Lucy barked and I swam back over to flamingo. I hoisted myself back on and Ariel, Jeremy and I paddled as fast as we could. George and Ben finally got back in the flamingo and tackled me.

I tried to get away, but they wouldn't get off. I felt myself getting very lightheaded from the pressure on me at sea. "George, Ben, get off!" I screamed desperately. They got off and I sat up, gasping for air. "You okay?" asked Ariel. "Let's head back, guys, she needs air," Jeremy exclaimed. They nodded and started to paddle back to the house.

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