Chapter 17 : (Y/N)

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"George! Ariel! Jeremy! Ben! Someone please help!" I yelled, hoping someone would not let me drown. The laughed evilly as they walked away, leaving me to drown. Well, I guess this is it. This is the day I die. I felt myself getting lower and lower into the water until I almost couldn't breathe.

"(Y/N), wake up, you're freaking out!" said Ben, trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and latched onto the first person that was close. Ben laughed. "Wow, you miss me already?" he laughed, looking down at me and smiling. I opened my eyes and let go of him, sitting with my legs crossed on the bed, putting my hands in my lap.

I took deep breaths, closing my eyes. "What's with the heavy breathing?" he asked. I opened my eyes to see Ben in the same position as me. "Babe, I was drowning. And you, George, Ariel or Jeremy didn't care, you just walked away," I explained. "Babe, we would never leave you. We love you. We'd never let anything bad happen to you, as long as we're alive," he said, giving me a hug.

I hugged back and gave him a warming smile. "You need anything?" he asked. "Yeah, just some water, but I'll get it." Cyclone pushed me back onto the bed. "I got it, you just relax," he said. "You've been through too much tonight, whether it was real or not." I started to get worried. "Um, no, Ben, it's really okay, let's just go together, okay?" I pleaded.

"(N/N), it's just water, one of us can get it." I sighed. "Fine, just go, but hurry up," I laughed playfully. He rolled his eyes playfully and went downstairs. I just sat there, hearing noises here and there that kept scaring me. I grabbed the blanket and covered up, grabbing my phone as I went under. Something was scaring me. I was scared to be alone. Like someone was out to get me.

I turned the flashlight on and looked around, hoping the noises were nothing. I heard about noise right next to me. "Ben?" I asked, but no reply. I heard the door close and lock, leaving me to my thoughts. I struggled to get back under the covers. I turned my flashlight back on and pointed it towards the door, since that was where my nightstand was. "BOO!" yelled my boyfriend.

I screamed and was immediately picked up from out under the covers. "Grrrrr!" laughed Ben, putting me under his arm and ruffling my hair. "Not funny, Ben!" I yelled. "It was, too! What's got you so tense?" he argued. I sighed. "Don't wanna talk about it," I said, looking away as he put me down on the bed. "C'mon, this isn't the (Y/N) I'm used to. Are you worried about something?" he asked, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Ben...I'm worried that something's out to get me. I'm afraid to be alone. I feel like you all won't always be there for me. I'm scared of life, Ben. But I've gotta move on."

"Babe, I know that life is scary, but, I promise, we'll all get through it. Together. Life is scary and unfair, but life is also precious and fragile. I'll try my best to stick with you until the end. Here's a quote by (HeyItsMeFire): Best friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart," he said.

I smiled. "I like that. It cuts deep. I really like that." "See? You're not as scared anymore!" he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "That's only because you're in here with me and I love you!!!" I laughed. "I love you, too, that's why you're my girl," he said. I yawned. "Someone's tired," Ben teased. "Shut up!" I pushed him playfully. He sighed, shaking his head with closed eyes. "Let's get some sleep. We have to wake up in, like, 3 hours," he laughed.

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