32: Bonfire

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"You didn't have to come with us," Lydia said.

"I don't trust the guy," Sean simply stated. "He doesn't have that great of a reputation. The man makes a snake seem friendly."

"That's an accurate description," Stiles quipped.

"You should know," Lydia returned the quip.

"Yeah, let's just rub it in that I chose to check myself in here."

"Nogitsune?" Sean asked.


They found Brunski's office. He was sitting at his desk, a stereo behind him playing.

"Oh look. It's my favorite teenagers," Brunski said. "And looks like you brought a friend this time." He motioned to Sean. "This your chaperon today? Where's the deputy?"

"We just need information," Sean said.

"Depends on the information you need."

"We need to see files of deceased patients," Lydia said. "We heard you'll let us see them for the right price."

Brunski leaned back, a sly smile on his face. "A thousand," he said.

"A thousand dollars?" Stiles asked. "To use one little key to open up one little file room? Are you out of your mind?"

"Stiles," Sean warned.

"When you get the keys, you make the price."

"Right. You actually think we have that kind of money?"

"I know you don't. If you did, Daddy Sheriff would've paid the bill by now."

Sean had no idea Stilinski was struggling. He was impressed by the sheriff's ability to keep his personal life separate from his professional life.

Brunski looked at him and Lydia. "That's why I'm talking to them."

Sean sighed before pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. Lydia dug into her purse and brought her own wallet out. Between the two of them, they offered Brunski the money he wanted. They threw it on the desk and Brunski turned and popped a tape out of the stereo. All three recognized it as the same kind of tape that had been found on the Chemist's body, the one that had tried to kill the teens with weaponized distemper. Music started playing and Brunski turned back around and picked up the money before smelling it and giving them a smile. He picked up his keys and motioned for them to follow him. Brunski unlocked the door and the three went into the room. Sean made a quick survey of the room, noting all the file cabinets that reminded him of a card catalog.

"You good?" Brunski asked.

"Yeah, we can help ourselves," Stiles said. "Lydia, you got the list?"

Lydia nodded and reached into her purse for it. She handed it to Stiles and he unfolded it as Brunski shut the door.

Stiles suddenly froze. "Why did you write more names on here?"

"I didn't write anything," Lydia said. She and Sean walked over to Stiles.

"It's your handwriting."

"Why would I write another name?"

"Why would you write ours?"

On the bottom of the list was Stiles and Sean's names. Sean immediately knew why and spun around towards Brunski. Before he could react, the nurse pressed a taser to the former Procurer's neck and he went down.

"Sean!" Lydia cried.

"It was the tapes, wasn't it?" Brunski said before using the taser on Stiles. Lydia screamed, knowing she was trapped as Brunski was blocking the only way out. "Your turn, sweetheart."

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