13: Change

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Isabel and Derek rode with Stilinski to the school.

"Why does so much crap happen at the school?" Stilinski mused aloud. Isabel shrugged. "What exactly have you heard about this guy, Isabel?"

"Everything I know, I told you in your office. From what I hear, someone must really want you dead if they go as far as hiring the Mute."

"For someone who's been on the run since they were a teenager, you sure know a lot."

"I had to know who to avoid while I was running for my life. You have to remember that my father sacrificed himself for the family, my mother died in my arms, and my brother spent years chasing me around the country trying to kill me."

"How could I forget about that?"

They pulled up to the school and the three exited the car. They approached a side entrance, Stilinski drawing his sidearm before they walked in.

"You know," Derek said. "Just because this guy connected to the school's WiFi, doesn't mean he's still here."

Isabel flicked her talons out.

"I've seen enough in this school to keep a gun in my hand when walking in after dark," Stilinski said.

Derek looked back at Isabel.

"It wouldn't hurt to be defensive in case he still is and this is a trap to get the two of us in one place," she said.

Stilinski stopped, shining his light at the base of a door. "That is definitely a cause for alarm."

Derek and Isabel looked and saw the pool of blood on the floor. Isabel looked at Derek, a confused look on his face.

"That doesn't make sense," he said.

Stilinski shined the flashlight around them. "Yeah, no kidding," he said.

"That's not what I mean. I should've caught the scent before we walked in."

Stilinski completely stopped and looked at Derek. The two men turned back to the door, Isabel looking at Derek worried. It was progressing faster than she'd anticipated. Derek reached for the door handle.

"Hold on," Stilinski whispered, stopping Derek from turning the handle. "You nervous makes me nervous."

Derek took a step back. Stilinski shined the light into the classroom, before slightly tuning the handle and slowly starting to open the door.

Isabel crouched down and peered through the crack. "Stop," she warned. "The door is rigged. There's a claymore on the floor."

"Oh, that's just—"

"Get down!" Derek tackled the sheriff and Isabel rolled out of their way, slamming the door shut.

A tomahawk embedded itself into the wall where Stilinski's head had been. The Mute jumped over the banister of the stairs leading to the second floor of the school.


He charged at them and Isabel gave a Scream before doing the same.



"Sean!" Sean started, not expecting Chris to suddenly speak. The kids had gone back into the house after a smoke.


"Liam got away from the others. Set up the ultrasonic emitters. Scott, Isaac, and I are going to try to herd Liam towards them."

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