27: Under Siege

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Isabel and Isaac headed to the room the others had set up their surveillance in. Melissa, Noshiko, and Devin came out of the room.

"They're not here," Melissa said.

"Where are they?" Isabel asked.

"I don't know."

"I've got their scents," Isaac said. "I can track them."

"I'll go with you," Isabel turned back to Devin. "I don't know what's going on, but I have a bad feeling that it's dangerous. Get them out of here, Devin."

"I'm still a kitsune," Noshiko said.

"Maybe so, but you're not as strong as you used to be without your tails."

Noshiko couldn't argue with that. She'd sacrificed eight of them to make the Oni and Void stole the last to gain control of them. Although she didn't know how Isabel knew about that and wondered if she could sense that she no longer had her tails.

Devin put his hand on her shoulder. "Come on. This isn't something I've seen but I have the same feeling that people are going to get hurt."

Melissa and Noshiko left with Devin and Isaac started tracking.

Lindsey was standing directly in front of the cooler where Scott was. Danny was leaning against the table in the middle of the room. Stiles was pacing.

"We're running out of time," Lindsey said. "We need to find Kira and have her shock Scott back to life."

"Good idea," Stiles said, pulling out his phone. "I'll call Chris and you call Sean."

Lindsey called Sean, only to reach his voicemail. "He's not answering," she said, worriedly.

"Chris isn't either."

Suddenly someone crashed through the doors. Lindsey gave a scream of surprise.

"Get out of here!" Chris cried. "Run!"

Before any of them could move, Kate walked into the room, dragging Sean in by his throat.

"Sean!" Lindsey cried.

"Oh, please tell me that she's not the Benefactor," Danny said.

Sean swung at her and connected with her stomach. Kate growled and shoved him away. Danny darted over and helped him to his feet.

"Move, Blondie," she said.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"Lindsey, don't," Sean said.

Lindsey was still pressed against the cooler. Stiles stepped in front of her.

"Move out of the way, Stiles. I'm taking the body."

"Why? Visual confirmation?"

"Don't worry, handsome. I'm not the Benefactor."

"Then what do you want with the body?"

"Do you think I'm going to tell you?" Kate's eyes glowed green and she gave a snarl.

A hand suddenly came to rest on her throat, talons resting against her neck. Kate's eyes widened.

"You're not the only one here with dual nature, bitch," Isabel all but growled. Isaac moved around her, growling, his own golden eyes glowing. "So tell us what you want with Scott's body if you're not the Benefactor."

Devin, Noshiko, and Melissa were heading towards ER when they heard screaming. They stopped and turned back around as two doctors ran past, followed by an orderly.

"What the hell?" Melissa asked.

A nurse flew by. Devin's eyes suddenly began to glow a medium blue, sensing what they were running from.

"Run," he said, gently pushing the women back before flicking out his talons.


A berserker stepped around the corner.


"Uh, can you face that alone?" Noshiko asked.

"Not really, but I can hopefully slow it down." He gave a long and loud Scream as Melissa and Noshiko turned and ran. The Scream had no effect on it. The berserker roared back. "Oh, crap." Devin spun around and ran down the hall after them.

Kate hit the wall of coolers on the opposite side of the room. She grunted as she staggered to her feet. Sean and Chris both had their handguns trained on her.

"You two think you can pull the trigger fast enough?"

"I don't want to, Kate," Chris said.

"You're not going to kill me."

"Wanna test that theory?" Sean asked.

"We're not letting you take his body."

"I don't know who the hell you are," Lindsey said. "But you can't take his body and do whatever you want to do with it. I don't know if you're looking for a cure or to cash in on the dead pool, yourself. But you just walked into a trap we had for the Benefactor."

"And in case you didn't notice," Chris said. "You're on that list too and worth a hell of a lot."

"That's why I'm here," Kate argued.

"Then back off," Isabel said. "Let us do what we planned. Take the berserkers and get the hell out of here."

"This is the second time you've let me go."

"Don't expect a third."

Liam and Kira attacked the berserker, the creature effortlessly countering their blows. It grabbed Liam by the throat and threw him several feet. Liam hit the fencing around the blown transformer hard. The berserker then focused on Kira. Kira held her own for several attacks before the berserker landed a punch. Kira hit the ground and was out for a brief moment.

"Kira!" Liam cried. "Kira! Get up!"

Kira went into a defensive stance again. The berserker went after them again and this time they defended. Liam was thrown back again.

"Liam, run!" Kira cried. "Get out of here!"

Liam was back on his feet, growling. He attacked again.


Liam managed to push the berserker back. Kira joined in. The berserker knocked both of them back again. Then it charged at Kira. Liam pushed Kira out of the way and braced himself. But inches from barreling into him, it suddenly froze, its back arching backward.

"You guys are uglier in person than I expected," a woman's voice said.

The two teens looked to see a dark-haired woman holding her arm out, her hand positioned like she was holding something. She raised her other arm and the berserker slid away from Liam. They heard a loud roar and the berserker struggled against the unseen force that held it. The woman shoved her arms outward and the berserker staggered back, falling off the edge of the building.

"I was not expecting berserkers." She turned towards Liam and Kira.

"Lilith?" Kira asked, surprised to see the witch. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you guys needed some help. I'm here to offer what help I can give."

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