Overcoming One's Weakness

Start from the beginning

"And now, you are going down this same path. Will you be able to vanquish your inner demons though? Or will you end up the same, foolish puppet, completely dependent on the league to pull his weight?" All For One asked.

Suddenly, the lost fire of determination reignited as Izuku stood up valiantly.

"I'm going to overcome my past! My league needs to have a good leader to rely on, so I can't let them down!" Izuku exclaimed.

Seeing this, All For One smiled.

"One more thing Izuku." He said, extending his hand, "Your practical exams are coming up, and from the school files you leaked, you'll have to fight against the teachers."

Hearing this Izuku froze, knowing that he will have to face off against All Might.

"In such, as well as being punishment for your failure, I will be taking away your quirk. for this occasion." Explained the Sensei.

Upon hearing this, Izuku immediately started to protest.

"But... But Sensei! You can't do this to me! I can't do anything without my quirk! I can't go back to being weak! I can't..."

"Calm yourself my child!" All For One cut off, "You are so much stronger than you think. Back then, when I gave you your quirk, it was never to give you a fighting chance to enter Yuuei. Rather, I needed to give you something that can boost your confidence!"

"My... confidence?" Izuku asked.

"You keep on victimizing yourself for not having a quirk, which I can understand. But I couldn't let your lack of self-belief hold you back. Sometimes, even the best geniuses will think themselves as idiots for not being good at the things they're not at. So to make sure you can use your brain to the fullest without your thoughts of being quirkless get in your way, I gave you a quirk to compensate for it. Though now, I feel like I may have spoiled you a bit, a contributing factor to your outburst." Explained All For One.

"But, what about the sports festival? or my fight with Kacchan? Or me getting into Yuuei? My quirk played a huge role in those parts!" Pleaded the young boy.

"And what about your villain career's beginning, where you earned enough reputation to get noticed by the league? What about your first mission, where you managed to retrieve a quirk enhancer drug that's been playing a huge role in our league ever since? What about the USJ incident, where you struck a huge blow to the reputations of heroes, and only failed due to a betrayal not even I could predict? What about the HQ raid you masterminded or Endeavor, who's pride you've broken? Your biggest accomplishments were all thanks to your brilliant mind. Your quirk played no part in any of those except for one thing, to make sure you don't think about your weakness." He replied.

That revelation left Izuku bewildered. He never thought of it before, but his quirks never really did too much for him. He now knew that this whole time, he was blinded my his past self, constantly yelling at himself that he was nothing without quirks that he never realized how powerful he really was, even without quirks. It was all clear to him, he needed to break the chains of the past holding him back. That was his next big step. No longer scared, he walked up to his Sensei, and with a rough, calloused palm place on his head, he felt his quirk leave his body, reverting him back to his old self. But he no longer felt helpless, instead, he felt like he had returned to his true self.

There was no more weak, quirkless little Deku, no more wimpy, stuttering Izuku, there was only Mightless.

Days went by, after the break, and Class A was finally back in action. Their first after-break course: Rescue training. To summarize, teams of five must reach the center of Testing Field Gamma, another multi-million dollar test ground that made Izuku question Japan's economic choices, to reach a distress signal that All Might sent off to quote on quote "save" him.

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