Character Profile: Sachiko Tsukiyama

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Edit: added another picture cause I can

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Edit: added another picture cause I can. This is him basically every morning (headcanon)

 This is him basically every morning (headcanon)

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Name: Sachiko Tsukiyama

age: 19

Height: 6'1

Birthday: 5/10

Occupation: Villain

Quirk: Needler

Favorited things: Money, Graffiti, Dancing (Once had a dance battle with Mina Ashido at an arcade, not knowing she was a student from Yuuei.)

Summary: A small time thug, convicted for robbery, fraud and forgery. Was inspired by Izuku, after being saved from L'Oréal, to do more with his life. This led to him joining the league of villains.

Though a huge show-off, he's a caring man at heart, and won't doubt his superior's orders for a second, Though adding a twist to them in his own way just to piss them off for fun.

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