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warning: gay slurs

it had been a while.

taehyung had been going about his life, messing around with girls and playing basketball. he was also pretending jeongguk didn't exist (as if the younger hadn't taken his spot as team captain after taehyung failed the semester)

jeongguk basically took taehyungs spot in general. he was king of the school now, and taehyung was old news. jeongguk knew taehyung wasn't happy with it because the older was rumored to be talking shit about him on social media and whenever he could.

jeongguk tried to convince himself  he was over taehyung. but he knew that wasn't the case.

because he had another wet dream about taehyung.

he hadn't realized there was something wrong with it until he woke up. but he missed it, and he wanted it to be real. he missed taehyung.

but he was also so pissed that taehyung played him  and pretended he didn't exist.

taehyung still sat at the same lunch table as jeongguk, just not next to him. they hadn't talked in weeks.

jeongguk was tired of it. he needed something, even if it was negative.

he noticed taehyung walked past him to sit down, so he stood up, calling his name.

"what do you want?" taehyung set his tray down, crossing his arms as he faced jeongguk.

"heard you've been talking shit," he said bitterly, glaring at taehyung. the two had earned the attention of the people surrounding him.

taehyung snorted. "and what are you gonna do about it, pussy?" he asked.

jeongguk laughed. "that's what you've come to? you're just pissed people like me better," jeongguk pointed out. taehyung shook his head and laughed.

"you know it's true, taehyung. you're all pissed i took your place. and that's real childish," jeongguk clled him out. but they both knew that's not why they didn't like each other. taehyung didn't want jeongguk to reveal his secrets, and jeongguk was mad taehyung led him on.

"yeah well they don't know you're a fucking faggot. nobody will like you after that," taehyung spit. jeongguk was infuriated that taehyung had the nerve to use his sexuality against him.

by now there was a crowd, and after taehyungs words everyone looked shocked. people were recording their conversations.

so jeongguk did what any hormonal teenager would do.

he stepped forward and swung his fist as hard as he could into taehyungs jaw, shoving him back in the process. taehyung briefly dug his fingers into jeongguks bicep to catch his balance, but then shoved him back. he tried to swing at jeongguk, but the younger leant back so that he missed.

taehyungs fingers curled into the collar of his shirt as he pulled him forward, managing to get a punch in to his mouth before jeongguk pushed him back.

jeongguk somehow managed to punch taehyung right in the nose and then shoved him back by his shoulders, sending him flying to the ground.

jeongguk shook out his fist, noticing there was a bit of blood on it. taehyung also had blood on his nose, and he remained on the floor as he cupped his face, groaning. jeongguk probably gave him a bloody nose, but he hoped it was worse. it's what taehyung deserves.

some people were moving closer to taehyung to record him, others getting in jeongguks face.

suddenly taehyung stood up, and he was about to lunge at jeongguk again, so jeongguk moved forward as well, but the two ended up getting held back by teachers. they trashed and tried to reach each other, but their attempts failed.

they were dragged to the waiting room before the principals office, where they awaited their turn to speak to the principal.

there was no cameras in the room, and the two sat in opposite corners of the room. they were alone.

jeongguk stared at the wall, and taehyung stared at the ceiling. his nose was still bleeding, and it hurt a lot worse than normal.

the two were very unhappy, and the tension was thick.

"i bet that fight turned you on," taehyung laughed bitterly, and jeongguk just chuckled.

"yeah, beating your ass was a real fun time," he shook his head.

"you just caught me off guard," taehyung rolled his eyes.

"yeah, and i hope i broke your fucking nose," jeongguk turned to glare at him. the older just had a slight smile on his face.

"you hate me that much, gguk?" he asked. his voice was sinister.

jeongguk bit his lip.

"yeah," he nodded, "you just outed me to the entire school. you also lead me on and played me like a fucking toy. yes i hate you. you deserve to have your nose broken. a lot worse, actually," he refused to make eye contact with taehyung. he saw the older throw his head back and slump down in his chair out of the corner of his eye.

"you're not wrong," he mumbled.

jeongguk just sighed.

all in all, they figured out by the end of the day that taehyung had a broken nose, and both of them were suspended for three days for fighting.

lol this shit spicy

ahh imagery ... (ignore the tattoos on gguk bc they don't play into this fic lmao) highkey eyebrow lines r always hot tho so imagine him with that :)

 (ignore the tattoos on gguk bc they don't play into this fic lmao) highkey eyebrow lines r always hot tho so imagine him with that :)b

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