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warning: rlly dirty, kinda nsfw, switch

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warning: rlly dirty, kinda nsfw, switch

jeongguk was laying on his side in bed, facing away from taehyungs door. taehyung had dropped him off at home so he could get gas for his truck.

jeongguk was waiting for him to get back, since it was friday and the two were going to be alone. taehyung challenged him to mario kart olympics.

jeongguk had a test today, which he was sure he failed because he didn't study at all. he didn't even know he had a test until he walked in and his teacher took his phone.

he had just gotten off the phone with his mother, who asked when he'd be home next. he told her he didn't know, and she requested to drive him to school the following monday. he agreed, considering the two were getting along better recently, including his brother.

jeongguk yawned and stretched out his arms, shuffling farther under taehyungs covers. he enjoyed taehyungs bed a lot. it was a lot more comfortable than his own.

he heard taehyung come through the front door and sighed. he almost didn't want to get out of bed. lately he'd been really tired.

"gguk, you awake?" he heard taehyung ask once he entered the room. jeongguk hummed as a response.

he felt taehyung crawl behind him and he felt a warm hand on his hip.

"mm, hey beautiful," he whispered, and the pet name made jeongguks skin heat up.

"hey," he said, his voice raspy. he turned his head and kissed taehyung shortly.

"did you miss me?" taehyung asked playfully, moving closer to jeongguk and joining him under the blankets. he wrapped his arm around jeongguks waist and shoved his face in his hair, kissing the back of his head.

"mm, loads," jeongguk answered.

"we still playing mario kart later?" jeongguk asked, letting his hand fall over taehyungs arm. taehyung laughed, and jeongguk practically felt his deep chuckle rack his soul.

"did i say mario kart? i meant have sex," taehyung said quietly, and jeongguk scoffed.

he felt taehyungs hand move to his hip, his fingertips sliding just under the waistband of his shorts. he moved his head, and jeongguk felt his hot breath fan against the shell of his ear.

taehyung gently moved the waistband of jeongguks shorts down, pulling it just past his hipbones. then he let the pads of his fingertips trail lightly over his hipbone, feeling his soft skin.

he began to press kisses against jeongguks neck, tracing patterns into the dip next to jeongguks hipbone. his other hand was under jeongguks neck, crossing over his throat and resting on the shoulder that was exposed to the air, nearly choking jeongguk.

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