The Point of No Return: Part One

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Authors Note: This is the first in the two-part Epilogue of His Last Vow.


My spirits were lifted as the plane landed. Everything seemed to begin to fall into place. I was one of the first to exit, and followed the crowd to where people began to claim their luggage. I had none, thinking this trip would last no more than a day. I saw the first on emerge: a small blue one. I smiled when it came rolling around, and thought of Sherlock's case with the pink suitcase all those years ago. It was bittersweet thinking of him, and I pulled out the photo of him at his parents house, scorning me as he wore a pair of antlers. Luckily, it was just for me he wore them, and they stayed on long enough for me to snap a picture.

I pocketed the photo and pulled out my phone, ready to text John, Sherlock and Mary that I had landed. I didn't know if Sherlock still has his phone due to the exile he was placed under, but it still felt right to update him. Unfortunately, I had no reception in the Dublin airport, and began to search for a proper exit.

I only went so far before finding a man with a small paper sign with my name on it, like in the movies. I froze when I saw him, noticing his sharp suit, combed hair, and earpiece. He was chewing a stick of gum and looking around for me. His hair was black, like mine, and his eyes were a light, light cream brown, yet they looked like my shape. Was this my father?

I hesitantly walked up to him, and waved slightly.

"Hello." I squeaked nervously and the man looked at me. "I-I'm Aspen. Aspen Watson."

His eyes widened before he lowered the sign.

"You came." He exclaimed, leaking out an Irish accent. "I-I'm Jamie. Oh my god, you're really here." He stammered.

"Are-are you my father?" I asked, my hands shaking as I reached out to touch him. He paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Right in front of you."

I gasped and tackled him in a hug, feeling as if no one else was around us.

"I've waited so long." I said, choking up. "I missed you so much."

Jaime patted my back, and sighed.

"I missed you too Aspen." He paused again and pulled away, "Let's go, you must be hungry."

I glanced over to Wes, who silently observed the reunion as he popped an earbud into his left ear, leaving his right adjacent to Jaime and I.

Observing a little harder, I noticed the man had a Bluetooth in, with a blue light in the corner poking out of his earlobe. It latched around his ear, securely in place, like professionals. His hair was neat and combed back, locked in place by a gel substance that gave it a plastic and hard appearance. I couldn't help but stare at him, trying to gather my thoughts, both of awe and glee. He wiped his chin, grazing his five-o-clock shadow as he proceeded to weave through the people, not really taking a chance to look at me. I wanted to take a look at his brown eyes, complemented by delicate eyelashes and trimmed eyebrows.

As we exited the airport, I felt a refreshing and exuberant breeze waft past my face, and stopped the two boys and pulled out my cell phone.

"Wait, I want to remember this moment." I said, but paused when I saw a myriad of notifications from my Uncle and Sherlock. My hair was blowing across my face, and as I tried to unlock it to investigate the messages, Wes took my phone from my hand and stepped back, smiling as he positioned the device to take a picture.

"Smile, folks, first one of many." He spoke, and Jaime placed his hand on my shoulder and pointed at me. I smiled nervously, wondering what could have been so important that Sherlock wanted to call me more than once- much less after what I said before the flight. After about a second, Wes was struck with a look of frustration.

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