The Sign of Three: Part Nine

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  a/n:hey all! real quick! the last part to the sign of three will be uploaded rather quickly after I've uploaded this part, mostly because I don't wan't too much time to pass between these last two parts(as in like a day or more like I've been doing), as they literally go together ! Okay, that's all!


I stopped them right as they were walking out the door.

"Guys, stop!" I shouted, and they both looked at me like I was hopeless. I saw Daniel and all his handsomeness look at me, which made me lose my words.

"This is all just a big case, Sherlock- he gets this way and-" I stammered. I could tell that if I couldn't get them to stay within the next ten seconds they would walk right out that door.

"Well? We're listening." Lucy said, her hand on the door handle.

I took a deep breath and collected myself.

"Sherlock, he had it all great, and then I guess, he started to think and the case of the Mayfly Man came back to him and he suddenly went into detective mode." I explained. "I'm sorry for not telling you everything instantly, but the three of us, John, Sherlock and I, we have this code." I began to lie, but if it meant they stayed then of course. I stepped forward, "'Vatican Cameos' means that Sherlock solved the case, and all of the gibberish he was muttering in there was just so he could fit in one last solved case before his toast. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."

The siblings looked at each other, and I smiled convincingly at them.

"It was out of the ordinary for him to do that at John's wedding, 'pen." Lucy mentioned.

"You think I can control that? I didn't know half the stuff he was talking about." I joked, and she chuckled. I looked to Daniel who only seemed half convinced.

"He solved it, Aspen? Really?" He asked. I looked into his clear blue eyes, like they mirrored mine. A shudder went down my spine and I stood up straight before nodding my head.


I saw Lucy take her hand off the door handle. Daniel noticed and looked at his sister before me.

"Okay then, let's go back." Daniel said.

I then noticed that behind them was someone who was at the reception. From what I recalled it was Major James Sholto, and he was walking up the stairs.

"What is it, Aspen?" Daniel asked, and began to turn around. I stopped him by putting my hand on his back.

"Nothing, just a painting I noticed and stopped to admire. Let's go." I went with the three of them as we headed back to the hall. My curiosity once again started to take over, and I started to squirm.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, and I chuckled.

"I just- I have to use the loo real quick." I fibbed, and then went back in the direction we came from.

I went back into the lobby where I saw Sholto ascend the stairs. Turning back, I saw Daniel had peeked out to see me. Unfortunately, I felt someone collide into me. It was Sherlock, who looked glad to see me.

Once Upon Another Time   (Third Book In The "Life Is But A Dream" Saga)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt