His Last Vow: Part Five

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a/n: back to Aspen's point of view!!


I ran through to the heart of London, dogging people and vehicles left to right. I let the fury of Daniel and the worry of Sherlock drive my adrenaline further until I got to the hospital. Once there, I collapsed into John's arms.

"Is he alright? Please tell me he's okay." I said between sobs.

"He made it through surgery, but he's asleep right now." John told me, and then lifted my head. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Daniel and I- I couldn't stand him anymore so I ended our relationship and friendship." I explained, and then wiped my nose. "What happened?"

"We were at Magnussen's building, Janine got us in there. I turned to go one way and then I found Sherlock on the ground in- in his office, shot right in the chest." John explained, his voice quivering.

I put my arm around him and sighed. "C-can I see him?" I asked about Sherlock."

"Nothing much to see, but go right ahead." John said, and patted my back before I entered the room. Surprisingly, I saw Mary in there with him. She looked surprised to see me, as if I had interrupted something.

"Oh, um I can wait outside." I said apologetically, and began to close the door when she walked over.

"It's fine, Aspen, I was just leaving." Mary responded, and quickly left the room. I looked back as she went to John, and then turned my head towards Sherlock, lying peacefully in bed. Taking a breath, I went in and shut the door. There was a small chair next to the bed, right at his shins, and I sat down. My head was spinning from all the emotions, and I went for the drink Wes got me, only to find it wasn't there.

"Damn it." I muttered, imagining a lonely bottle next to the bridge. Thinking of the bridge made me think of Daniel, and I scorned the thought. Shaking my head, I focused on my friend in front of me.

"I always thought it'd be reversed." I spoke to the sleeping Sherlock. "Years ago, when I had nothing to look forward to, except maybe working with Molly. I saw dozens of hospital beds and Imagined what I would look like in them. I imagined you and John would visit me-" I had to stop or else I would start crying again. My heart began to ache as Sherlock's heart monitor steadily beeped in the background. "I still don't have much to look forward to. Not anymore, with the school; I just lost my best friends because I came to see you."

I clutched my stomach as I let out a sob. Everything began to hurt as I then put my head in my hands. Sighing, I looked up and saw Sherlock's morphine IV. They had it up pretty high, and I felt tempted to take some, just to take the edge off all of the pain I had been through in the last couple hours. Before I knew it, I was leaning forward and my hands were on the tubing, ready to take it out. If I hadn't looked at Sherlock, I would have jabbed it in my arm. Realizing what I was now doing, I let go in horror at how much I was hooked on the morphine after just one bad encounter. I brought my hand to my mouth, and started to cry even more. Was this like the feelings Wes told me about?

I was so tired, and needed sleep. Eventually, I did fall asleep on Sherlock's blanketed legs.


I woke up to Sherlock patting my head.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" he joked, and I remembered saying that the morning Lestrade and I bailed Sherlock and John out of jail. I noticed a small drool stain right on the blanket where my head was, and embarrassingly wiped my chin.

"Oh crap, sorry." I apologized, and chuckled. "How are you feeling?"

"You just missed Janine, she turned down my morphine. So, at the moment, not the best." Sherlock explained, and then adjusted his dosage. My eyes lingered on the drip for too long before I spoke again.

"What happened?" I asked, making Sherlock's face change.

"I went to see him, Magnussen, and one of his guards shot me." He said, but something about his words sounded like a lie. Sherlock doesn't visit people like Magnussen without making sure there are no guards. It's okay, I knew I'd get it out of him eventually.

"Okay then." I spoke, and then thought about my theory. "About Magnussen, you said he has these files on everyone in London. That makes me think: he knows who my father is."

At the mention of 'father,' Sherlock dropped his expression.

"Aspen, you can't be sure Magnussen does, much less even trust what he says." He disclosed.

"You said it yourself how powerful he is and how he's one of the most evil men you've ever faced, though personally I disagree." I retorted.

"Yes I know, but please." Sherlock pleaded. "We'll find another way."

I looked at Sherlock, feeling like he knew something I didn't, as If he already knew. I brushed that thought aside, knowing that not even Sherlock had the resources to find that out that quickly. I relaxed and placed my hand on his shin gingerly. It comforted me anyway that he said "we'll," and knowing I wasn't alone in this search.

"Okay. We'll find another way." I repeated, then smiled at Sherlock. "When will you be getting out?" I changed the subject.

"Soon. I'll let you know when." Sherlock stated, then looked at the IV in his arm.

"Not ready to give up the high yet?" I joked, feeling that temptation again.

"This is just child's play." Sherlock dismissed. "Also, about that. I really shouldn't have taken you there the other night. I was too focused on the case to care enough about your well being, when it did matter to me.

"I see the way you're looking at this needle in my arm, and how you wish our roles were reversed- well, except for the hole in my torso." Sherlock deduced.

"Is this an apology?" I asked.

"It's the drugs talking." Sherlock scoffed, and I chuckled. "But yes, I am sorry for everything that happened that night. How I didn't stop that boy and-"

"Okay, don't hurt yourself Sherlock. I forgive you." I stated, standing up and preparing to leave. "I ran into that boy last night and his name is Wes. He apologized too. A lot happened last night." I sighed after the last statement, feeling some sadness in my heart.

"What, Daniel?" Sherlock asked, and I looked to him in confusion. "Yes, I heard everything, I'm not that high."

"It doesn't matter, at this point you're more important. I even told him that he'll never be half the man you are." I mentioned, adjusting my jacket. I felt quite awkward now knowing that he heard everything I said in an emotional babble. I swept aside the feelings and smiled. "Just means there's one less person I have to worry about."

The detective nodded, and then cracked a smile. "Thank you, Aspen."

I smirked, and then leaned down to kiss his cheek. Platonic, of course, and then went to the door with a smile on my face. I looked back to see Sherlock hiding a smile, yet exposing the gleam in his eye. The sight warmed my heart as I exited the room.

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