I've Missed You

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Emma's P.O.V

When I crossed the portal and appeared in the enchanted forest I saw Henry on his back talking to Killian, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Look at you!"

"I know, I know... it's been a while." Henry said.

"I've missed you, kid."

"Me too, I thought something was wrong." He said euphoric.

"No, it's it's nothing like that at all, I'm I'm fine. It's just, Killian wanted me to rest, but I couldn't wait any longer. I had to make sure you were both okay, and I just wanted to tell you myself."

"Tell me what?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant."

"You're gonna be great!" He said full of joy.

"I hope so, kid... I mean, neither of us have done the diapers- and- the- feedings thing. It's what I missed with you."

"Mom, you did okay with me." He replied.

"I know, but, you know, it's just it took a long time to find each other and find ourselves, and now, we both made mistakes, and we both can learn from them, and we both can do something good from the start."

"I've always tried to do good." Hook said.


"I've done something, I... I have to fix it." He added.


Killian's P.O.V

I got away from that ropes and I waited for the fake Hook to come back. When I saw him on his back I went to catch him.

"Where are you? We have to talk." He said before I caught him.

"Talk? More like, finish me off."

"No, wait." He yelled before I hurt him.

"You tried to finish me off. Well, it looks like you finished yourself off."

"I didn't come here to kill you, I came here to set you free." He said between gasps.

"Aye? And why would you do that? And why did you get so young?"

"I was gonna take your place." He answered.

"Oh, you are a bastard."

"But Emma she's here." He said.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. And yes, I know you're to be a father. And I couldn't, I wouldn't get between a father and his child." He explained.

"What kind of deception is this?"

"Because a child that's why'm doing all this in first place, I'm trying to find my daughter." He said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Stay awake till Emma gets here. Tell me about your daughter."

"A vengeful which trapped her in a prison. Every day, I'd sneak in to play chess with her, but I was discovered and punished, my heart was poisoned cursed. So I can never save her. I knew I knew that true love was the cure. So I roamed the realms seeking it, but it was futile. Then, I thought that maybe Emma-" He said before Emma interrupted.

"Killian? Who's that?" She asked thunderstruck.

"He's hurt, please help him. It's me from the wish realm, magically aged down. Please save him, he deserves his second chance."

"It's too late for me." He said laughing.

"Here here, this was hers. I kept it to remember her, it's her rook, she has my knight. Find her, give that to her. He explained.


"I'm sorry, I don't think my magic works in any realm, remember what happened the last time I used it." She said.

"If it were me, you'd find a way. Find the part in him, the part that's me."

She knelt down in front of him.

"Hey, Killian. You don't know me, but I know you, the man I fell in love with. Until we met, he was you, which means there's hope. All you need to do is believe." She tried.

He was quickly dying.

"Hey hey, just look at me and believe." She said.

Then she used her magic in the correct way, like always, and saved him.

"Thank you." He said thankful.

"Good job, love."

"Everything Starts With HOPE" [Captain Swan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora