More Pancakes

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Killian's P.O.V

It was as easy as imagine my hand going over her skin, making her mine. I imagined she was only mine and I had her when I wanted and how I wanted. It was just like thinking about her as I always thought about her.

Emma's P.O.V

I told him that I loved him. It was as easy as opening the door and letting him in, after that overturn my heart gave me when I heard the blows of his hand on the door. He let me know who he was with that combination he always repeated when he knocked on the door. It was as simple as getting lost in his blue eyes and throwing myself to bite his lips, the ones I kept biting with the same passion long after.

Killian's P.O.V

As simple as running towards her and risking losing her, losing the most intense thing that had ever happened to me in my life. The biggest nonsense I had ever done and the most pleasant madness I'd do.

Emma's P.O.V

One night after another imagining that he made me his, feeling his caresses, just thinking about myself shaking. It was that night, when he knocked my door with that unmistakable combination. I invited him and we decided to skip the dinner, we left the friends excuses and the romantic dinner, not knowing that the rest of the night was going to be much more. There he was at last, in front of me... with his blue look and my infinite imagination. It was funny because that situation I had already lived some times before, was going to be the first one. We were counting on something better than simple sexual attraction, it was a feeling that caused me butterflies in my stomach and I was shaking, it was love. It was as simple as going to sleep and dreaming. He stood in front of me so close that I could feel his breath on my lips... silly but very exciting. He got rid of my dress in such a way that I completely lost control of my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled on his lips, waiting for him to kiss me. I didn't want a normal kiss, I wanted the kiss, a movie kiss but more real, a kiss that made my skin crawl. Which instinctively made me close my eyes by feeling the slightest touch. A kiss that would awake my imagination, sweet but aggressive to make me feel. A kiss like the one he left on my lips and in my memories forever.

I moved away a few centimeters and he did the rest, in the simplest way, as simple as loving him. He got near quickly and he made me fall on the bed, speeding up my breathing in less than a second. His bad boy smile summed me up how would be the night and he got closer to my mouth to play with his tongue and steal my breath, the little that I had left after seeing him undress. Like a little girl I pleaded him with my eyes to touch me, right how he knew, making me shake.

He made that night a unique moment. Each kiss, each caress, seemed strategically given. Each gesture was more real than the previous one, reaching limits that I didn't even know. Our bodies united perfectly. That night we put into play the true meaning of magic. I knew that I would never forget the moment when I fell in love with him. That night we recreated our first night.

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