The Test

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Emma's P.O.V

After looking one more time in Henry's room I took my red leather jacket and headed to my car, then I drove towards Regina's house. No one would understand me like Regina.

I rang the bell and waited for Regina to open the door. When she appeared I could see her crying eyes. I couldn't avoid hugging her, she seemed surprised but she really needed it. She invited me to get in and we were talking about Henry's memories.

"I really hated you when you arrived to Storybrook but now you are like family, without Henry here you are the closest I have." She said sadly.

"I thought the same thing and that's why I trust you to tell you that I think I'm pregnant." I said speaking looser.

"Emma that's great!" She shouted.

"Hush! It's not sure yet."

"You have to find out" She said.

"I know, I'm just... nervous"

"It's okay, you have a pregnancy test or something like that?" She asked.

"I have one." I answered taking it out of my pocket.

"So what are you waiting for?" She asked.

I sighed and stood up.

"Here I go"

When I did it I left the bathroom and I waited in the hallway sitting on the floor with Regina, we were looking at the test on the floor right in front of us.

"How long do we have to wait?" She asked.

"Ten minutes."

During those minutes we could only hear my nervous breathing. I just wanted the time to go by faster but when I heard my cellphone alarm I couldn't see the result and I covered my eyes.

"You're pregnant." She said quickly.

"What?" I asked while uncovering my eyes.

"There are two red sticks, am I wrong?" She asked.

I looked quickly at the test taking it in my hands.

"You're right."

"You look sad." She said.

Some tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Emma, you alright?" She asked taking the test of my hands.

"You will laugh, it's crazy because I can fight monsters and witches whenever but I don't feel ready to raise a child."

"You did it once with Henry." She said.

"I gave him up for adoption cause I was coward, you did it, you raised Henry."

"He was ten years old when you both met, and you are being part of his life since then. He was about die so many times but you were there to save him." She reminded me.

"That's truth."

"Believe me, you're going to be a great mother and I'm so happy for you." She said.

I was hugging her when I got a text from my mom.

"Oh I have to pick up Neal."

"Don't worry." She said smiling.

"I'll need your advices."

"Well you already know this part, you were pregnant once and I can't help you with that, call me in nine months." She said funny.

"Thanks Regina."

"No problem." She replied.

I was late to pick Neal, my mom was gonna kill me. Neal was five years old in that moment. I ran out to my car and drove towards my parents new house. I had keys and I got in.

"I'm here!" I shouted.

"Emma! You saved my live because your father is at the station." She said as she took her bag.

"I know, Killian is there too."

"I was hoping you came with him to ask you two to come and dine with us tonight, we haven't done something like that since Henry left." She said stressed.

"He will come, I'm sure"

"Great! Neal is going to school in an hour, make him breakfast and don't be late." She said.

She kissed my forehead and Neal's and ran out.

"She's crazy."

"She's crazy." He repeated.

"Don't say that if mom is near because she would kill me."

Here you have another chapter! Emma is pregnant and that situation will be funny but also difficult.🤗
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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