Before he could protest more I already put the dishes on the sink and start cleaning. He sigh in defeat before he get up.

"Well then boys, let's clean you up." Gaster said to his sons.

I glance back and saw sans about to leave. "Sans! Can you help me with the dishes?" I ask

He turn back and look at me. I guess he understand that i wanted to talk to him. He came near me and use the chair so he reach the sink.

"What do you want?" He ask

I sigh and look at him. "I want to make a promise with you" i simply said.

He look at me confuse. "What? Why?" He ask

"Because a promise is sacred and bad thing happen when you broke it" i said.

He look at me thinking about what i just said. "What kind of promise you are going to made?" He ask

"I promise to you that i will never hurt your family" i said.

"How can i believe your words"

"There is various way to keep a promise back on the surface. But my favorite is the pinky promise" i said holding my pinky in front of me.


"It's because it's have the most effective way to keep our promise and also the consequence are way bigger. Which is why i am willing to risk myself to keep this promise to you" I said smiling.

He look at me and then he chuckle at my statement.

"Alright you better keep your promise because i will make sure you have a bad time if you broke it." He finally said.

I chuckle at that and he place his boney pinky around mine. Once the promise was done, he suddenly ask.

"Where did you find the woopie? I want one too." I laugh when he ask.

"I can give it to you if you want i only use it to lift out the tense mood!" I said.

His eyes was brightening at excitement. I take out the woopie of my pocket and give it to him. He grin big, bigger than his normal grin.

We being joking around when we clean up the dishes. Sans really have a skele-TON of jokes.

Gaster enter the room with paps in his arms full clean up. He see us getting along.

"Already friend?" He said.

We turn to see him with big grin on our faces.

"Yea! Turn out Alice know a lot of prank and some puns!" Sans said.

"I cannot rival his. They are pretty humerus. He is a pun master!" I reply back.

We both giggles before Gaster groan of our enthusiasm. He put down paps.

"I have to go to work some emergency came out and I have to take care of it" He Said

"But you said you will play with us today!" Sans said looking disappointed and paps was disappointed too.

"I know I said I will but it's a direct order of the King itself i cannot refuse" he said.

I frown a bit but get idea. "How about I would take care of them?" I said

Gaster look at me. "Are you sure? I don't want to obligate you..." He said

I nod." I am sure! Beside that would give me the opportunity to know a bit the village!" I said.

"Alright then. I will try to come around lunch time" he nod before he leave for the lab.

Once he left, I look at the boys. I smirk devilish. "Wanna play outside?" I ask them both. They both get really excited and nods.

Find Happiness (Gaster x OC Alice)Where stories live. Discover now