An alliance or a hunter?

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            Swayam's nod came a little hesitant but both Taani and Arjun decided not to stretch the topic any further.

              "I went to check on the head quarters, today."Arjun informed, changing the topic.

              "And..." Taani prompted as she sat there on the wooden flooring her hair tied in a loose bun, her eyebrows pulled up looking at her elder brother in an questioning manner.

               "I had to check if they found out anything or any important details on the Shield"Arjun provided as he looked up to meet Swayam's questioning gaze. He shook his head,  indicating that the hunters were not able to find anything, at which both Swayam and Taani sighed with a relief.

                Arjun walked quietly to the end of the porch looking out in the dark, his eyes roamed aimlessly around the serene night as his thoughts debated on whether to tell them further... 

               "And whatelse?" Swayam asked as he walked down the porch to stand next to his elder brother eyeing him suspiciously.

               "I don't know how you'll react to it but Marcus is trying to find the prophecy"

               "What?" Swayam asked after a minute long silence.

                 The twins were shocked to say the least.  Prophecy, the one trying to protect which their father died?  Marcus is behind it?

                 "What makes you so sure of it?" Taani questionned as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

                   "I have got my ways.. Let's just say I have an alliance who works for the hunters." The elder brother answered, looking at the other siblings with confidence.

               "You've got an alliance who works for the hunters?" Swayam repeated in a questioning manner.

                 Arjun's small nod was enough of an answer but still wasn't  enough for the twins to back down.

                "And who might this alliance be?"The sister asked.

                 "Karan.. "

                  "Are you freaking nuts? Karan?  Karan Oberoi? Seriously? You think that man would help us? He would go against Marcus?" Swayam asked in an angered voice.

                    "Look Swayam, Karan.. "

                    "Arjun, do you really think he'll help us?  He's got his family on that side...  Why would he help us?  Give me, one solid reason?"Taani asked as she eyed her brother. There was no way in hell that Karan Oberoi would help them. Karan Oberoi was born into darkness and she didn't see any way for him to find his light..

                     "As it is,  help is only provided by those who really want you to succeed, succeed cause they believe in you and what you're fighting for... And knowing Karan, he has zero percent of idea what a family is, so fight for one? Makes no sense to him." Swayam reasoned, almost bringing the conversation to an end.

                  "He has my back,  he knows what friendship is.  He was our friend, yeah he had a sorry excuse of a family which made him do vile things but he was always a family right? You loved him as much as you loved Naina, for we can't forget how much bets we had on Taani and him being each others soulmates. And if that would have happened, Dieu knows you guys would have accepted him with open arms, so now what makes this any different?"that was all it took for Taani and Swayam to quit complaining.


            "Taani, what's wrong?  You have been awfully quiet today, everything's okay?" Rey asked as the couple sat in the fire exit.

             Since the conversation they had yesterday with Arjun, Taani was not able to have any sane thoughts. Karan Oberoi was a vile person, he almost killed Naina, and the fact that Arjun would think of him helping us was so crazy that she couldn't even explain it.

              "Nothing,  it's just my crazy family problems." Taani muttered as she kept her head on Rey's strong shoulders and Rey was quick enough to pull her more into himself providing her with the much needed warmth and comfort.

                "Well, tell me!  Maybe I can help!" Rey pushed the topic further,  he didn't want her shutting him out once again.

           "It's Arjun, he's doing something that's not necessarily approved by me or Swayam, but he wouldn't listen.."Taani left her words hanging in the air,  she wasn't sure how Rey would react if he got to know that her entire family thought someone else to be her forever and not him.

              "Well,  then what makes you think that he has to listen to you?" he asked, that made Taani pull out of the warm and cozy embrace and look at her boyfriend as if he had just grown another head.

              "What do you mean? We're in a state of a war and we can't afford to have problems within ourselves!" Her voice rose a little, and her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she eyed her soulmate.

          "Exactly, so instead of wasting your energy to prove your elder brother wrong or sulking about it,  don't you think you should trust his judgement and instead work towards fighting? He's your family Taani, trust him" Rey tried to reason out and something about how he said it made her think about her father's words.

   The twelve year old Taani and Swayam sat in front their father's photo, the letter written by their father for them in Swayam's hands. The duo, received the letter by their mother the very morning, it was their twelfth birthday today and like every year they received this one letter.

      Dear Swayam and Taani,

             That's how every letter started, but this letter was very different then the others, it wasn't one with flowers and rainbows around but was covered with the shadows of dark clouds of reality. That was the first time the twins got to know about the harsh reality of the world they lived in, of where their father was and why he was their..

         I wouldn't cover this letter with anymore rainbows  and butterflies but tell you the truth,  in this world there are only a few people you can trust, keep them close! And trust the judgement of those who love you the most; your family.


In this world there are only a few people you can trust, keep them close! And trust the judgement of those who love you the most; your family. The words rang through her mind as a small smile graced her visage as she looked at her soulmate, with greatful eyes.

         He made her realise that she doesn't have a lot of people to trust on... And those who are there, must be valued.

           "Thank you, you're amazing Rey. You truly are!"she mumbled as she cuddled up with her soulmate with a content smile. Ignoring the reality that they live in, Taani was happy to be getting lost in her fantasy...




When the two worlds collide...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora