Blood drained from her face, and she got goosebumps all over her body

This can't happen...
He can't die...

'Don't we know someone who has this blood group...?' Ananya asked holding his sleeves tightly

'I'll text my friends and try to find a suitable donor, meanwhile I also need to inform Bade Papa, maybe he can come and donate blood to Aayan, they have same Blood group after all...' Vansh sighed

'But, Bade Papa is in Delhi Bhai...! even if he books an urgent flight, he won't be able to reach here before 4-5 hours... We don't have time... ' Ananya cried

'I better not waste time... ' Vansh took out his phone and walked towards the gate dialling Jai's number

This can't happen...
This so can't happen...
I mean, I was...
No god.... He can't die... He just can't die...

She said to herself and then messaged her friends, to find the matching donor...

She peeked through the door to see Aayan unconscious and bandage around his head, and ECG machine attached to his body, which was beeping...

Her heart pained seeing him like this, a sob escaped her lips...

Please stay with us Aayan... Please don't leave...

Same time...
Skyee lounge..

Deepika walked inside the lounge, with brightly lit floors and people dancing around on the loud heavy metal music...

She was dressed in a black one piece dress, and her long hair perfectly tied into plaits, on one side of her shoulder, she looked around to find someone but couldn't see him

She also felt someone's gaze on her, but ignored the feeling, because of course she was being paranoid, why would Ved be here, he disappeared after their last encounter...

Spotting the guy, sitting in one of the bar stools, she waved at him and he waved back smiling

Deepika approached him, walking through the sea of people dancing around and the guy helped her sit on the high bar stool, holding her hands

'You really look beautiful Today Deepika... ' The guy complimented

'Thank you Anurag...' Deepika smiled

'I hope you don't mind the loud music here, I thought since you are new here, I'll show you the places around... ' Anurag smiled

'Well, I am not a big fan of such noisy places, but it's nice to explore new options sometimes....' Deepika said looking around

'This is what I really like about you, you are open to new options, unlike what I heard about lawyers, that they are stubborn in general... ' Anurag said and Deepika smiled

'I really enjoyed hanging out with you last week, I am glad that my father choose someone like you as my partner... ' He said further, caressing her hands with his thumbs, and Deepika uncomfortably smiled at him

She brushed his hands off away from him politely and took a sip of her martini

'So what do you think about settling in Delhi after marriage...?' Anurag asked and Deepika choked on her drink

Anurag patted her back and then offered his handkerchief to her

'Are you okay...?' He asked to Deepika who was coughing badly

After sometime when Deepika could finally breathe properly she looked at him flabbergasted

'Marriage..?' Deepika asked

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