Date Night

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" Oh my God Rose I can't believe you actually agreed to go out with this guy, and you gave him your number this time," Loren said, happily. "What made you change your mind?"

"Yeah, what made you change your mind?" Lisa chimed in.

Rose blushed, "I don't know I guess what y'all was saying to me finally got through to me," she responded. "Plus he seemed so determined to see me again. I mean he went through all of that just to find me!"

"He wants you girl," Ashely said, straightening Rose's hair. They were preparing her for her date tonight.

"Yeah, me and what's between my legs," she said, starting to second guess this date.

"You don't know that girl! For all we know he probably just want some female attention," Lisa said.

Rose burst out into laughter, and she looked back at them. "Female attention? Did you see all them hoes behind his ass last night? A female's attention is the last thing he needs," she laughed, shaking her head as she let Loren finish up her makeup.

"Well he's going to get all of your attention tonight," Lisa said holding up Loren's outfit. She had picked out an all white bandage dress that exposed parts of her back and some of her cleveage; along with some red pumps to give it a pop of color. "Now hurry up and put this on. I texted him from your phone to give him the address and he's on the way," she said, laying out her outfit and accessories.

Rose stood up and she looked at herself in the mirror. Ashley and Loren really did their thing on her; she was looking flawless.  "Thank you guys," she said, grabbing her dress and slipping it on.

Knock Knock Knock

"He's here," Loren squealed, walking towards the door. "I'll let him in and you continue to get ready," she said, going over to the door. "Hi," she grinned.

"Hi, um is Rose here?" he asked.

"Yes it's her place silly she's finishing up right now. Come in," she said, stepping aside letting him through. "I'm Loren," she said, shaking his hand. " And this is Ashley, and that's Lisa," she said.

"Hello," Ashley smiled.

"Hi," Lisa said, licking and biting her lips.

August caught what she was doing, and he was about to respond until he heard Rose's sweet voice.

"I'm ready," she said, looking over to August. "Hi," she blushed.

"Hey, um you look beautiful," he said, letting his eyes roam. She looked damn good in that dress. "Really beautiful," he whispered.

"Thank you," she said walking over to him. "I'll see you guys later. Lock up my place whenever y'all decidento leave, and please don't eat up all my food," she said walking out the door.

"We won't," Ashley snickered, making her way to the kitchen.

"See you later," Lisa said more towards August then Rose.

August looked back at her, and he winked at her before following behind Rose. He couldn't deny the fact that this girl was beautiful, and was wearing the hell out of that dress. The dress hugged her curves, and her ass was sitting right.

"So where are we going?" she smiled, stepping onto the the elevator with him.

" Rathbun's," he said to her, pressing the button to go to the bottom floor. "I hear it's one of the best restaurants in Atlanta," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her off the elevator.

Rose felt a shock shoot up her hand when she felt his very own hand capture hers. She didn't get why she was getting all worked up over a simple gesture, but it felt good for whatever reason.

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