No friend of mine

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" A pregnancy test?" Rose asked, looking at them oddly. " No, I doubt that I'm pregnant. I'm sure this is probably just something bad that I ate, and it's finally just catching up to me. But, I'm fine now so please don't worry about me," she laughed. She rinsed her mouth clean, and flushed the toilet before making her way back into the kitchen to finish eating her breakfast.

" Really Rose? You think it's just something bad that you ate?" Ashley asked as she gave her a side eye look. " I doubt that's what it's really is. But, if you say so I won't pressure you into it. I just really think you should check it out to see if you are or not. Just to be on the safe side."

Loren laughed, and she shook her head at them. " Safe side? Girl, please. Once you're pregnant you're pregnant. There's nothing safe about that at all; she missed that when she didn't tell either one of those fools to wear a condom. But, don't worry I got you," she said, as she went digging for her purse. " Here," she said, handing her a First Response pregnancy test..

 Both Rose and Ashley just stared at her without saying a word. 

" What the hell are you doing with one of these things in your damn purse?" Ashley asked as she stared at her.

" What?" Loren asked, looking back and forth in between the two. " Shit, you never know when there's an emergency. Better be prepared at all times."

" Don't listen to this bitch," Ashley said, shaking her head at Lo. " Look go in there, and do exactly what it tells you. Don't come out either until you have the results. Now go," Ashley said, pushing her towards the bathroom.

Rose stood there, and she just stared at herself in the mirror. She knew for a fact that whatever she just felt earlier had nothing to do with some bad food she had eaten. She just didn't want to actually give in to the fact that she just might be pregnant, and worst of it all she didn't know who the daddy was going to be; and the last thing she wanted to do was have to face August yet again.

" Rose hurry up! I'm not hearing no noise," Loren snapped as she continued to eat her food.

" Okay, I'm getting to it!" Rose snapped back as she empty the contents out onto the counter. She quickly read the directions before following the same exact steps right after. " This has got to be the longest three minutes ever," she muttered to herself, as she checked the stick before sitting back down on the toilet.  

After five minutes went by without even realizing it Rose said a quick prayer before getting up to check the stick for the last time. " Nooo," she cried out, falling to the floor. " This can't be happening to me." she muttered, tears filling up her eyes.

" Rose you alight?" Loren and Ashley called out in unison as they ran up to her bathroom door.

" It's o-open," she cried, tossing the stick into the trash.

" What was the results?" Ashley asked as she stepped into the bathroom. She sat on one side of her while Loren took the other. 

" I'm pregnant," she cried, leaning into her. " I don't know what I'm going to do. The first time I decide to give myself up to a man this happens, and now I have to face the both of them."

" Well, at least you have it narrowed down to two men. You just have to find out a way to tell them both that one of them could possibly be the father," Loren chimed in.

" But how? I have no means to see August ass. The last thing I would want is for him to be the father of my child. He's been playing me all along Loren, and I just don't feeling having to deal with him all over again.

" You really have no choice but to now Rose. If it's his are really going to keep his child away from him? That baby doesn't deserve that, and even though he did you terribly wrong August doesn't deserve that. He has every right to know, and maybe you can tell him tonight. You know his album release party is tonight, and we still have our tickets. If you like we can still come with you tonight, and be there when you tell him. Then later just invite Mike over, and you can tell him then."

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