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It was almost as if August had just been hit by an oncoming train after hearing Rose say that this little boy in front of him was her son. It was just a few years ago that she told him that she had lost a child that could have possibly been his, and here he was staring at her son. " Your son..." was all that left his mouth. Flashbacks from the pain he had caused her came rushing back, and all he could do was blame himself for it all. Now, his son was gone because of it. However, the more he stared at this little kid the more he could see himself.

" Yes," Rose said rushing over to Elijah's side.

August nodded, and he looked back and forth between the two. " How old is he?"

Rose lifted her head, and she stared right back at him. " He's almost three," she said lowly only August could catch it.

"Three?" he questioned, as he took a few steps forward. " Rose, you just lost our baby two years ago. How can he almost be three? You slept with someone else during our relationship?"

" The only other person I slept with was Mike, and that was after I found out what you did to me with that bitch," she frowned.

" So, Mike is the father?" he tensed.

" It doesn't matter August, and it sure as hell is none of your damn business."

" It is my fucking business Rose," he yelled, stepping closer to her. He looked at the kid, and then lowered his voice. " Look, I didn't come to fight with you. I just missed you, and I had to come see you. Now that I'm founding out you have a son I really need to know if what I'm thinking is true. Is Mike his father?"

Rose looked him dead in his eyes, letting out a deep sigh, before answering his question. " Yes," she lied yet again. " Yes, he is."

" FUCK!" he yelled out, before turning to punch the wall. It pained him to hear her say that. Surely, it was his fault that this even happened, but he didn't want to believe that what she was saying was true. Rose was supposed to be his! She was supposed to be his woman, and that child was supposed to be his. However, neither of them wasn't. At least he thought so..

" Baby, go back in the living room. Mommy will be in there once she gets done talking to her friend okay?" she whispered in his ear, before placing a kiss on his cheek. " Look..." she began after her son disappeared. " I don't know what you want me to do or say but August it just happened. I was weak and vulnerable.... You had just broken me and..."

"The first thing you do is fuck Mike?" he spat. " You're no better than me Rose!"

It was taking everything in her not to run over to him and smack him back to the past, but she didn't want to cause a scene seeing as her son was home with them. "I'm nothing like you," she spat back. "I never cheated on you, and I never even tried to go after your right-hand man. I never did any of that to you! I was honest, faithful, and loyal to you August. But, you couldn't just be that way with me, hm? You just had to fuck my best friend, and now you're trying to turn the situation around on me as if I'm the one in the wrong."

"All I'm saying is that you could've made a smarter decision about that Rose."

"The smartest decision I ever made was losing your child, and leaving you!"

August could feel something snap in him after hearing her say those words, and he snatched her up quickly. He pulled her close to his chest, and stared down at her with so much anger and hurt in his eyes. "What you just say to me?" he said, his grip tightening up on her arm.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

August shook his head, and he shoved her away. He turned on his heels, and headed for the door. "I was hoping that maybe things would've been different, but I see the way you feel about me hasn't changed so I'm going to go. I'll be in town for a few days before I have to get back to work so if you want to talk you know how to reach me," he said, before dipping out the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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