Two Years Into The Future

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Ever since I was a little girl I always dreamt of living the good life, and getting everything that I could ever want. The house, cars, clothes, diamonds, the handsome prince...

I wanted it all.

But, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so I did everything I could to get to where I'm at in today's world. It wasn't easy growing up as a young black female from the hard streets of the ghetto trying to make an honest living, and getting the proper education that I needed in order to survive. My father was never around, but my mother did everything in her power to make sure I didn't want nor need for anything in this world. As long as I buss my ass in those books I could have it all, and she was right.

I do have it all.

I have a very successful business that has been booming since I first opened it in the city of Atlanta. One of the hottest boutiques around, and with my hard work it continues to thrive. I've achieved my ultimate goal, and now I have everything I could want and more. But, out of all the things I've been through during this journey in my life it has given me one of my greatest blessings.

My son.

Elijah Tate Montgomery.

My baby boy was born on November 20th at 9 pounds, and 7 oz. Even though me giving birth to my beautiful baby boy was tough he turned out to be very healthy which in all honesty wasn't a surprise. After what I went through with Lisa pushing me down the stairs to make me lose my child, and it was only me who suffered from the fall it opened up my eyes that no matter what situation I'm in I had to fight for my child, and that's exactly what I did. I fought for him, and my son is here.

But I know exactly what you all are thinking..

What about August?

Does he know about Elijah?

Well, to answer your question he doesn't know. He knows nothing about his son, and quite frankly I plan to keep it that way for as long as I can. I haven't spoken to him in close to two years now, and I don't plan to speak to him any time soon. We have nothing to discuss. You may look at me as a complete bitch for letting the issues between him and I get in the way of my child getting the chance to know his father, but in all honestly I'm just doing what's best for Elijah. Because of August I was put in harms way, and if it wasn't for me making the decision to distance myself from him for good I'd still be dealing with his bullshit, and all the problems that follows behind it. I have no time, and I be damn if anything happens to my son. He's my world, and quite frankly August is not needed.

I have a new man in my life.

Yeah, that's right you heard me. Months after I finally got settled down in Miami, and gave birth to my son I met this fine chocolate brother named Sean. He's tall, dark, handsome, and was packing just right. The only thing that got me was that he had dreads, and I never found them to be quite appeasing but I gave this man a pass on all that because he was too damn fine. Hell, I don't even know if fine is the right word to use for his ass but lord Jesus he is blessed with it all. I mean that man treats me like the only lady on planet earth, and he's so good to me and my son. He's a lawyer, and even owns his own firm. He's also a lot older than me, but I couldn't give two shits about all that.

Did I mention he knows how to lay it down?

When I tell you this man has me begging him to show me some mercy in the bedroom believe me that's exactly what's happening. The love making is so intense, and it makes me explode every single time. But, sometimes I feel like it's all to good to be true.

I know what you all are thinking...

Didn't she just say he's treating her right?

Well, yes he is. But, y'all know that saying...

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