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hahaha, bet I gave you a good scare in the last chapter. You can say I'm kinda an asshole.

After the police arrested the homeless man you and Andrew walked upstairs. You were a little to freaked out to go to sleep. " do you want me to make you some tea?" Asked Andrew. I shook my head no." Are you tired?" I asked. " a little." He said. "I can give you a back rub till you fall asleep." He said. I smiled and nodded. I laid down on my side while Andrews' hand roamed up and down my back. In a matter of minutes, I fall asleep. I woke up to Andrew getting out of bed. "Morning" I smiled. Andrew kissed my head. "I'll give you a ride to the kitchen." He said. I smiled and hoped on his back like he was an Uber. He carried me to the kitchen and sat me in the chair." What do you want for breakfast?" He asked." You don't have to make me breakfast." I said." Well, I want to." He said." Iced coffee (pick your food)"

It was now 2 pm and you both decided to head to the mall like you planned but first we had to pick up Garret.
Once Garret was in the car we told him what happened last night." he ran after you with a drug needle." Said garret. Andrew nodded. We pulled into the mall and Garret said he wanted to get a Starbucks first."Ohk while she's getting her Starbucks I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said in between laughs. "Hey!" Said garret. Me and Andrew laughed. "Do you want anything." Asked Andrew." Just a (pick your drink)." You said.
After using the bathroom and washing your hands you fixed your lip gloss/ stick(again pick one and if you don't wear one of these you just fixed your hair. Jesus Christ women). A girl walked into the bathroom. She was looking at her self in the mirror for a bit then she suddenly said." You don't deserve Andrew." She said. At first, I didn't know she was talking to me and then it sunk in."excuse me?" I asked." He deserves someone other than a person like you." She said. "Oh and about your mom. Such a shame that she died." She said. My mom wasn't dead. "Stay away from me," I  said as I ran out of the bathroom. I raced over to Andrew and told him what happened. "It's just a crazy fan calm down." He said. He handed you your drink and calmed you down with a hug. Garret also giving you a hug and a sugar packet for some reason.

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