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Me and Andrew chilled on Shane's couch and edited videos. I was currently editing the baby video for Shane. Shane was in his room also editing. Ryland and Morgan went out to get food for everyone, while Garret was on his way. I was editing myself holding the baby. I smiled when I saw Andrew looking at me from the distance smiling.  Small talk danced a crossed the room when Morgan and Ryland walked in with the food. I and Andrew sat down our laptops and headed to the dining room. Garret followed us.

After editing it was late and Andrew asked me if I wanted to go home with him."Yea your bed is better than mine." I said. We both got into Andrews car with me in the passenger seat."What do you wanna do tomorrow?" I asked. Andrew shrugged." Wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" Asked Andrew." sure." I said. We pulled up to Andrew and walked inside. We both walked upstairs. I sat down on the bed." I'm tired." I said. Andrew smiled."go to bed then." He said getting his. Pajamas reading to take a shower." I still have to shower." I groaned. Andrew smiled. "I'm gonna take a shower with you," I said getting up. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair into a bun. Andrew walked in and started the shower.

After the shower, I grabbed underwear out from a drawer that Andrew let me have and one of Andrews band tees. I laid in bed waiting for Andrew so I could sleep. It's illegal to fall asleep without waiting for the other person to get in bed first. Well to me it is. Andrew got into bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I quickly fell asleep.
In the middle of the night, I woke up to a crash coming from outside. I woke Andrew up and told him. He walked outside with a bat in hand with me trailing beside him like a pussy ass bitch (hehe) there was a drunk homeless guy that decided to ram a shopping cart into Andrews apartment wall. "Excuse me, can you please leave" Asked Andrew. The homeless guy had a beer bottle in his hand. He just grunted and tried to throw it at Andrew. But landed on the floor breaking near him. "Ann get inside." Andrew sighed. You walked inside watching through a window. Andrew was trying to reason with the man but the man just watched Andrew. Then he pulled out a drug needle and tried to run after Andrew but he luckily got inside quick enough and locked the door. " call 9-11" Said Andrew. I walked upstairs and grabbed your phone. I called 9-11 and explained what happened while I walked near Andrew so he could hear what was.

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