Chapter • three

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"Babe it's so beautiful today" mark said as he looked out the window of the black car.

"It really is " sooyoung said agreeing on what her boyfriend was saying.

"The rain makes me so happy" mark said smiling at the sky that was pouring droplets of tiny waterdrops.

"Aw I'm glad it makes you happy babe, your happiness is my happiness after all" sooyoung said kissing mark's cheek.

Mark smiled at his gilfriend's word's as he sent a heartwarming smile at her. Squeezing her hand a little.

He was ready to face this challenge of meeting sooyoung's dad. He was ready to prove it to her dad that he truly loves sooyoung.

He was ready to spend his future with sooyoung.


"Wow that shower really helped me freshen up a lot" haechan said stepping out of the shower putting a black tshirt on.

As soon as he put on a pair of Jean's , his phone ringed alerting the orange haired boy.

"Hello?" He said picking up.

"Mr.Yang wants you here. Now" the person at the other end of the line said before ending the call.

Haechan knew who it was.

It was hui , Yang's personal assistant.

Without wasting another second , haechan headed out his apartment door. Ready to face the challenges lf the day that were going to be given to him by his boss.

He knew it was gonna be hard.

But everything in life is hard after all.

He fastened his pace as the thunder outside become much more louder than before .

He was afraid.

"Taxi!" Haechan said waving his hand.

A taxi driver approached him as haechan quickly got in , getting all wet from the powerful storm outside.

Haechan quickly told the driver where to go and the driver started moving his car.

"Another busy day , here i come" haechan mumbled under his breath.


"I'm scared" mark said hesitating to go inside the huge mansion sooyoung's dad owned.

"Mark ! You're being way too stressed come on let's go" sooyoung said dragging mark in.

The house inside felt like a palace , mark wondered how rich sooyoung's dad must be and how much of a rich man would he like for his daughter.

Mark felt himself feel more nervous every minute. His hands were shaking.

Sooyoung noticed and went up to him, holding his hand's before kissing them and giving them a light squeeze.

She gave mark a reassuring smile as mark returned it , they both waited in the living room for Mr.Yang to arrive.

Suddenly a tall figure arrived causing mark to startle and stand awkwardly. Not to mention that he started bowing 5 times in a row continuously.

Sooyoung noticed and laughed at her boyfriend's adorableness.

The man looked pretty young for his age , he didn't look like someone in his 60's , he was tall , slim , he wore a black velvet suit which probably cost thousand's.

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